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Hey guys and girls.

I purchased desi-dl from this user.

I paid him the money, he accepeted it for the website, $350 USD.

I was given the website information, but he never pushed the domain to my account.

Now he has refunded the money, and said I can't have the website.

What a load of shit.
Because, last time I checked you can't just "change your mind" when someone buys the website of you.

I wasn't given the full refund either.
Well last time I checked, it is still scamming if I pay for the website, and I don't get the website even though he promised me I could have it. He gave me hosting access, which he is now changed.

This is shit.
:O He sent me a PM ,


Why would you send him back the money if he refunded you? Deal obviously wasn't legal as you tried to buy a warez web site, hence you can't do anything except to take your refund.
Well I don't want the refund =P I want the website lol>

Money isn't anything, that's not what I care about it's the fact if I buy somthing, I don't want people to "refund" it, especially when I started work on it.
He obviously don't want you to have the web site, hence he sent the refund.

Please either accept the refund or I'll have to close the thread as you actually have a chance to get your money back. (meaning: It's not a scam if you get your money back)
Dude, we get your point. But for now, just forget the website. Consider yourself lucky that he's refunding the money, take it, or the kind of a dick he seems to be, he might just run away with both the money and the website.
I wasn't given the full amount Jason, like I stated earlier bro.

I was given $280 from $350, so I fail to see how that's a refund lol.
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