Anyone in here is using

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Havent eveer heard abt them. Just have heard that they provide hosting bit never heard any review from its user. And heard of some scam with its owner but nothing abt their hosting
i had host with them... it was alright...

I hated when they didnot keep the backup of my site... ( 2 times)

So i quit hosting with them..
If you want a host down more then they are up, writes in the worst broken English you can imagine, then by all means go for it.

I've been using for 3 months and they're vey good I've never had a downtime, but i think there price is a bit high.
I've been using for 3 months and they're vey good I've never had a downtime, but i think there price is a bit high.

I have to point this out for you.

I've never had a downtime, but i think there price is a bit high.
#1 --> Do you think there is any relation between these two parts of the sentence? Maybe cheap-ass hosting is shit? (I'll say most of the time because all the l33t kittie hosts will jump all over me because they have not had downtime in four days and host a shit ton ((12)) clients from WJ and are a rockin' in the hosting field)
#2 --> It does not look expensive at all
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