An offshore host, for VPS or dedi, that wouldn't keep logs... does that even exist ?

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Active Member
Hello boys :)

I'm wondering, having a tough time choosing a proper offshore host, either as VPS or dedicated, for a website server or a reverse proxy.... with an important detail :
Ideally one that would NOT keep a log of everything coming in and out of our machine. Would that exist ?

Thank you if you know and you can tell me :)
Typically no provider logs the network traffic unless requested by a court, interpol, FBI etc. Now days VPN providers logs the network as abusers are using it. The case of VPS and Dedicated server is different your payment account id/email and VPS/Dedicated Server IP is enough to trace you.
Usually it's not so much the end provider that will violate your privacy, but their network providers, this is especially important after monitoring of all traffic was confirmed recently through many countries (most in the IT community were already sure of this for some time). Consider where most of your traffic goes to and comes from, if it runs through any of the providers in countries known to do extensive monitoring then you should assume it is being monitored and logged.

If you are running a business and need to ensure customer privacy and/or avoid corporate espionage you should consider encrypting your traffic and hosting your data in a country that doesn't have competing or conflicting interests.

You would get the most privacy from a physical dedicated server and next Xen/KVM VPSs.

Sorry for the long-winded reply but these are typical Q&A's that we do quite frequently.
A provider, offshore or not, doesn't keep logs unless it is forced to do it by a law enforcement institute which presents a court order - at least I never heard about one. Keeping logs would be really difficult for any provider due to the big amount of traffic that passes through its infrastructure, and also this would mean extra resources used for...what? However, logs or not, you should pay attention to what provider you will chose and do a quick research about his reputation regarding matters such as this one.
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