About Streaming Site Php Script


New Member
Hello , I have currently 600-700$ budget for streaming site php script and I want start streaming site

Please suggest good streaming site php script like xvideosharing if you know any other good php script of streaming site

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In this budget, you might can hire some free lancer to custom code a video sharing php script for you too, actually that can give you more options to customize the script according to your needs, and it will be unique too, also you can get any open source one, and then hire a developer to modify it, according to your needs, it can give a more unique look to your website, plus options that you need.
In this budget, you might can hire some free lancer to custom code a video sharing php script for you too, actually that can give you more options to customize the script according to your needs, and it will be unique too, also you can get any open source one, and then hire a developer to modify it, according to your needs, it can give a more unique look to your website, plus options that you need.
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