Hiring A moneymaking partnership proposal

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Hi, all!

I have a service for you to offer. It's more of a business partnership. It involves making money via PayPal system. To make this clear, I will say that it DOESN'T INVOLVE Stolen PayPal accounts, SCAMming someone, stealing anything or whatever you might think of. It has also nothing to do with eBay or any kind of selling. The idea is simple. You need to have a dynamic IP address and live in a country when you can create PayPal accounts and send/receive payments (no verification needed for the accounts). To insure you that I am not trying to trick you into sending me money or scam you, I will say right away that with this method you DON'T need to send or receive any money from other accounts (mine, or anyone's). All the transactions will be done by you only, between you and yourself. So where comes my role? If it was that easy to make money with this "trick", everyone would be making it. Some people are not aware of it's existence, others just don't know how to do it right. I do. And I want to share that information with you for a return of 50% share of the profit you will make with my help. I could sell an e-book, but first off all, it would make this method saturated, i.e too many people would use it, and eventually PayPal would find a solution. And of course, selling something that can make a lot of money through long term for let's say $20 a piece is ridiculous. It isn't worth it. While selling it for $200 each copy would look too discouraging and nobody would buy. That's why I wanna guide you. I tell you how exactly to do the magic and you do it. You earn money and after you are satisfied with the result and before you want to make more money with my help, you send me my share. As simple as that. I don't want to reveal here in open all the details, but I will of course give more detailed info to serious people who PM me. This is not a get-rich trick and it won't make you $100 a day right away. At first you will need patience, but later on you can make more money every day. One more thing, with this trick, money makes money. So without a start up "investment" you can't earn it. So if let's say you have $100 of PayPal, you can make $60 profit. And if you have $300, you will make $180. All proportional. You can actually save your share of profit and use it for next "cycle" of money, making the earning faster, it's your call. I'll say it again, you won't be sending me or anyone else any money. This will be between you and yourself, so I can't possibly scam you here. Ah, another legitimate question you might ask "If it's so easy, why don't you do it yourself?" Well, first of all, it takes time (not much though) to make it happen and I'd rather instruct others, while minimizing my time effort. Secondly, if I would do this myself in large portions, eventually it might look too suspicious, but when let's say different people each use the trick a little, then it should be fine.
I know what this is and yes it is a punishable offence.

Please don't get people involved in these kind of activities...
Nope. Not allowed here. It doesn't matter even if this 'trick' involves donating to the president's fund 10 times over (in essence, a good deed). At the end of the day, it involves creating multiple Paypal accounts. And guess what? That is strictly against Paypal's policies.

Oh and it requires your partner to have startup cash - no, just no.
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