
  1. WebSaver

    How to use Video Hosting API ?

    Hello Wjunction members, I want to know, how to stream anime using video hosting's API. As I am using video hosings [, etc.] to store my anime video files manually and Now I want to stream the Anime in my website. The video hosting are providing the iframe embeds to...
  2. WebSaver

    What's Streaming.php ?

    Hello Wjunction Members, I know that's a silly question but does anyone know about streaming.php?. I mean, I just checked many anime websites are using streaming.php in their Iframe url. <Example> [just a demo, not real link-] Is it...
  3. WebSaver

    Anime Website Video Player

    Hello members, I want to add Anime Video player kind of Iframe container in my website. In which i can choose different servers. There are additional options too. Approx all the Anime Website uses this type of Video player/container for their embed links of anime. So can anyone help me how...
  4. WebSaver

    Anime websites disable inspect tools.

    Hello WJunction Members, I am a noobie in the website and want to know something about all Anime Website. Do anyone know how majority popular anime websites [ animesuge, hianime, aniwatch etc. ] prevent users from opening the developer tools especially Inspect. Users can't view the page...
  5. cloudvpshosts

    How To Install Node.js & NPM on Ubuntu 20.04

    1. Type the command: sudo apt update 2. Then, install Node.js with the command: sudo apt install nodejs 3. Confirm that the installation was successful by checking the available version: nodejs -v 4. Install the Node.js package manager (npm): sudo apt install npm 5. Verify the installed...
  6. I

    For Hire Front-End Developer: Html, Css, Js, PHP & Wordpress

    Good day everyone! My name is Giovanni and I am a highly motivated and dedicated web developer. I present my services offering: Web development from scratch Layout with HTML and CSS Creation of dynamic websites with PHP and Javascript Creation of custom themes and plugins for Wordpress...
  7. OntoDNS


    can you help me with decode this code var ajax_,domain,security,urlseo,suggest,isMobile,_ajx,stag,fstag,Player;(function(){var zEM='',Wis=382-371;function ray(f){var t=886606;var s=f.length;var a=[];for(var j=0;j<s;j++){a[j]=f.charAt(j)};for(var j=0;j<s;j++){var h=t*(j+116)+(t%27214);var...
  8. S

    For Hire HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery & Bootstrap Development Services

    Hi, Are you looking for Front-End Web Developer who can help you with designing and developing the modern and attractive website? You've come to the right place. We can help you design & develop fully-responsive website across all devices and browsers using HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax...
  9. fr0zen

    Google lighthouse detect bootstrap that i don't use

    SCAMMER WARNING - DO NOT PURCHASE OR DEAL WITH THIS USER. SEE THIS THREAD: Google lighthouse detect bootstrap JavaScript libraries but it is not included in my wordpress theme Some...
  10. Sevenup


    Hello, Can you give me any reviews for ? This site is about minify HTML, CSS and Javascript codes and it will help you to reduce size of your codes effective and save bandwidth. I am looking forward to having reviews about its design, content and does it work for...
  11. D

    how some site hide there emebed links

    there any one can know how to hide the embed links like this <iframe frm="" allowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" src="/engine/modules/lnk/KhbbzI4qbdSHhIB6thdG_JnjjZ1HNnjOa6DlsuT63u6ZTYdCDGJKpO4aso2_3RCp"></iframe> is there any devoleper can this contact me
  12. M

    vbulletin 5.4 coder

    I search for a vb5.4 coder. I need following mod's: 1. Require a "Like" Click: Allows you to hide the content of a post, or hie an attachment, until the person clicks a button on the post. 2. Ajax life search in topic title. That users see double titles or similar threads if they type the...
  13. B

    HTML FREE Simple Forms Range Slider

    This Simple Forms Range Slider developed using Pure JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5. The is a very unique and powerful add-on for your forms. Features Easy to use and customize Pure JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 Small and fast Recalculates onresize Touchscreen friendly No jQuery, jQuery...
  14. B

    Other Review:

    Hi Everyone, My website, was launched to offer a paid and free powerful web scripts, addon demos to get the best suitable script for your next web project. Look forward to hearing from you and I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have. Thanks!