This is my favorite one! Thanks guys for payments, it's a pleasure to know that you're there for your members. Oh, thanks for payments :money_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::muscle::innocent:
Got money like always, I'm kinda lazy to post proof of payments :relieved: but greatI really can recommend this host (actually whole their network for money making with upload and share images), fast money making, fast payouts! Thanks!!! :money_mouth::upside_down:;):sunglasses:
I enjoy doin' job with those guys, I had a lot of questions, they were always kind with answering every single question that I have. Payments - no problem :fly: This site, actually their network rocks!
I have write about imgdrive, same thing with imgtaxi, they are BOTH great hosts, top paying rates. Thanks guys beeing ao friendly and ofc thans for super fast payments. :whistling:
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