Search results

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    looking for best dating network / advertiser

    Which kind of dating? main-stream or fuck-dates? If it is the second, you can pick sponsors at
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    I want to buy backlinks from fiverr.

    If it is porn, you should get listed at - No payment, top value. They don't take everyone, but once you get there, you can expect targeted visitors.
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    Please review my review site at ! ;) It's a collection of the best porn sites - free & premium. You will also find a porn star directory and free videos of some pay sites (if they offer some). What do you say?
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    Traffic for adult cams.

    You can try to get listed on review sites like - But those don't accept crappy sites or simple whitelists. So only submit your site, if it is really unique
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    Movies sites or Porn sites ?

    A lot of blogs, tubes and niche sites allow comments with links. Or "just" you buy some blog posts. There are more opportunities than you may think. I'd recommend crawling some porn sites list like or Those are a great resource to find...
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    DMOZ is closing

    DMOZ is closing as of Mar 14, 2017 :facepalm: Anyone heard something why?
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    Get your site reviewed at

    If you run a legal porn site, submit it to Porn Gatherer: The List of Porn Sites and Pornstars! It does not matter if it is a free or paysite: if you can get your site listed there, you can get a shitload of traffic there. While it might be hard since they do not accept every adult site and...
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    Good Games For Android

    Any decent action games around?
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    Review : Porn Website :

    I just say that unique content counts. On porntube sites more than anywhere else since there are thousands of "multi-niche tubes". If you don't stick out, you are lost. But thats just my opinion. If you put enough effort into it you may also have access with this site as it is.
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    Review : Porn Website :

    Honestly? There is nothing special and nowadays it is very very hard to get some traffic from tubes if you are not satisfying any special genre.
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    Selling Porn Domain For Sale Almost 2 Years Old

    can you send me GA report of the last month? (UV/countries/droprate?) Thanks
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    Which porn forums allows link advertising?

    Talk to the providers and for a fee you mights get a sticky thread. I'd would not try to spam links. It will get you banned in a few minutes.
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    Virtual Private Server

    I guess you mean VPS ?;] Though seems to be spam anyway
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    Make money with Blogs - Is it possible?

    I also wanted to point out that there is a lot of competition in "Health". But that does not mean that getting visitors is impossible. It is just harder. ;) So get up quality content, share it on big sites like reddit and with a bit of luck you are getting popular
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    Do nofollow backlinks HELP?

    IMHO you always need nofollow and hardlinks. The best hardlinks would not work without nofollows, as this is often associated with spam-links. While hardlinks are more valuable, you can't live without nofollows.
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    Cloudflare alternative

    I am using Cloudflare, but heard that AWS also is quite good.
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    Submit your WEBSITE to ALL Search Engine with one click

    I am using this site for all newly created sites. It saves a lot of time!
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    Favourite Previous Gen Console?

    SNES, PS1 and Xbox - Those were decent consoles.
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    best browser?

    I loved Firefox for YEARS, until it got really slow. I am with Chromse now for 3? years and very happy with it.