at least 30 days, maybe 60 or 180 or maybe forever. we must see
Added after 1:
most of your ideas are already planned.
already allowed
Added after 1:
there will be a PPD plan paying all countries the same amount!
we will finance this project by ourselves the 1st year and also the 2nd year. Depends on the success. If it takes longer it's not a problem. We will raise the PPD plans from time by time. Our goal is to have a stable host that pays itself and also makes some revenue. The more...
thank you! if we need help we will contact you.
Added after 22 Hours 48 minutes:
payouts will be ok
upload speed will be fast
upload size will be at least up to 10GB maybe more
ok we try
Ok I got that. I will discuss this with the team. What do you guys think about an increasing PPD plan?
e.g.: 1st year $ 1-4 / 1000 DL/VIEWS starting with 1$ and each 3 months PPD plan will increase.
2nd year maybe $ 5-8 / 1000 DL/VIEWS and so on maybe up to $40 or 50 / 1000 in a few years...
payoneer will be also available
api maybe too
we need to encode the files that a stream is possible. maybe with encoding option yes/no or when encoding keeping the original file too.
Added after 1 58 minutes:
We're thinking about
Added after 36 minutes...
yes of course
we use 10 GB ports or 2x10GB ports
no ads on player. MAYBE 5 sec preroll not sure. but no layer ads over video player
embed of course. we try to make it fast
yes we will have a good design
our idea was to pay $5/ 1000DL/views for everybody from all countries and nations.
TIER1 for everybody to work on a fair base.
paypal and bitcoin will be available for payout yes
we think about leaving the files for a long period of time at least 60-180 days or unlimited. Let us know what you...
We hope that you tell us what you want/need?
Please let us know before we start the project!
Therefore this thread was started!
So c'mon share your ideas with us!
We have an investor that supports us at start. I cannot talk much about it because he wants to stay in the back. But it will be enough to run this project for a while.
Also I need to add that the servers will be offshore. NO USA, NETHERLANDS, UK, FRANCE, CANADA OR GERMANY SERVERS!
Hello Wjunction users!
In the next month or earlier we want to start a brand new file hosting/streaming project.
Our idea was to create a music and video streaming file hoster only for streamable files.
This will include: NO Premium Accounts, A PPD program paying $5/1000 VIEWS/DL's.
I must say that I made the same experience like veggera. That experience cost me around $2000 for script and servers.
We switched back to XFS because it's stable and can handle high load without any problems.
XFS is not perfectly set up at start but with a perl programmer on the side...
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