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  1. H

    Playing again.....

    Thoughts? It still needs some work with the main content / footer but just thought I'd get a general feel for peoples thoughts / any ideas for improvements.
  2. H

    Business partner required for new Hosting Business, Mining Pool, Tech Business.

    Looking for somebody who has the skills to assist in a new venture setup. PHP is a must. This is more of a development role, rather than a day-to-day running role. Thanks H
  3. H

    Alright, 3rd time lucky?

    I have been playing with a few different ideas over the past few weeks in my free time. I thought, once again, I'd check in and see what you guys think. Let me know if you think it sucks.... again :P !! Thanks H __________________ Added after 4 Hours 50...
  4. H

    Hosting Website Concept

    No probs, thanks for the feedback!
  5. H

    Hosting Website Concept

    Just working my way through a new idea. I am trying to keep it as clean and as functional as possible. Feedback and ideas welcome. Thanks H
  6. H

    Playing in photoshop today

    All done, coded and integrated with whmcs.
  7. H

    Envato taxes problem

    Hello, Yes. You will need to declare and pay the taxes relevant to your tax band from whatever country you're from!
  8. H

    Developing a PHP website - feedback / suggestions wanted.

    Hello, I have spent the last few months coding a financial based website. It's been a very long and complex gig. I am now coming towards the end of the very basic features / functions and wondered if I could get somebody who knows about php to have a look and perhaps make some suggestions on...
  9. H

    Selling Professional Hosting Theme - Coded HTML/PHP & can be integrated with WHMCS.

    This theme is now fully integrated with WHMCS - by WHMCS.
  10. H

    I will create a professional company logo design with PSD for 10$

    Hello, If you are still available I could do with a couple of logos. Please let me know how to get in contact with you. Thanks H
  11. H

    Selling Professional Hosting Theme - Coded HTML/PHP & can be integrated with WHMCS.

    Unique and never used before. Comes with original PSDs and all html files. Will only be sold ONCE! Website comes with: Index Page Shared Plans Page Reseller Plans Page Cloud Hosting Page Dedicated Server Page Empty / More services Page Coded in html / php. Can be integrated with WHMCS (By...
  12. H

    Playing in photoshop today

    Yeah just trying to avoid people ripping it.
  13. H

    Playing in photoshop today

    Thanks :P I have now coded it and converted it to a mobile version. It's still work in progress though.
  14. H

    if you want to start a new " website " how do you choose your host ?

    I will do the research based on what it is I want to host then I'd look at going main stream. i.e a registered company with their own datacentre/hardware.
  15. H

    Playing in photoshop today

    Please could you review this! I have been playing around in photoshop with a few ideas. Mainly due to boredom. I'm not massively impressed by the outcome but I'll create the subs and see what I end up with - I need to spend a few hours working on UI I think. HOME PAGE...
  16. H

    Partner required for three projects!

    Okay, send me your skype details and we can talk further. __________________ Added after 3 Days 4 Hours: Still looking __________________ Added after 5 Days 6 Hours: stats
  17. H

    Henry is here!

    Just thought I'd say hi!