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  1. W

    How can i get iTunes song for free

    Google Play no longer offers a free daily track, but the Android app store still features free music—usually from up and coming artists—if you know where to look. Google Play now has a section called the Antenna Sampler, where you can find a selection of free songs (updated monthly) from...
  2. W

    Other How search engines submission check it here also
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    I'm bored, what should I do?

    I think you must do something healthy and interesting, what I do is swimming, skating, hiking etc. That is pretty much fun for me so you can try it likewise.
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    need some modifications

    You can use the same procedure as you do now with a single image, but do it in a loop. $lines = explode("\n", $_POST['textarea']); if(count($lines) > 30) { die('Too many files'); } foreach($lines as $line) { $srcfile = trim($line); //copy $srcfile here //check size of the file with...
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    Facebook optimization mode

    If you want to attract more followers then you have to know your audience and then have to make posts according to them, you can likewise share it on other platforms so that you can get more traffic.
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    Does bookmarking still work?

    I think it does not work anymore, or may be it is down nowadays, I tried to work with it but that was not producing the same results as it was producing before.
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    is there a links collector tool?

    Well as far as I know, there is no such tool out there. But you can google it hope you will find one But I'm not sure about this that you can find some free tool I think it ought to be some paid tool that you will have to buy.
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    do your own domain Host File?

    Domain host file Hi, make your question clear bro so that we can understand and then help you regarding it.
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    PC vs Mac Debate

    Mac Vs. PC You guys must not fight on this very issue. Like if you want to have Mac then go for it and if PC then go for that. Everyone's needs are different from each other. So, some will prefer Mac and some will Prefer PC likewise. So it is about the needs.
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    Love your Life ?

    love the life In my opinion you must live the life that you want to live or which is your utter desire. If you are not able live that life then you must love the life you are living, it will help you live a happy life. I am living the life I love and there are some circumstances in which I was...
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    Can you live without the Internet?

    living without internet Well in this hustle and bustle world, nobody is able to live without internet. If it is so then one will feel living like in wild or gone back centuries ago in that jungle world. So the simple answer is a "no", we can't live without internet.