Search results

  1. N

    Need a partner/investor for videohosting site

    I think I would just let it go friend.. Honest opinion.. ;P That being said, we are looking for someone with an expertise in linux. If that's something you may be interested in send me a PM..
  2. N

    looking for an unlimited space videohosting

    We offer unlimited account storage as well as a list of other options, please check us out at: VodMine - A Free, Fast, And Reliable Video Hosting Solution.
  3. N

    Video Host suggestions

    Please do check out our service at: VodMine - A Free, Fast, And Reliable Video Hosting Solution. I do believe we can meet most of your needs.
  4. N

    Looking for the best video streaming hosts

    Above average video host Please give our service a try at: VodMine - A Free, Fast, And Reliable Video Hosting Solution. We are still up & coming, so more features in time ;)
  5. N

    Looking for two good hosts for video streaming (HD)

    Better Video Host for HD content Please do give our service a try at: VodMine - A Free, Fast, And Reliable Video Hosting Solution. I think you will be more than pleased. *More functions coming in time.
  6. N


    VodMine; A free, fast, and reliable video hosting solution. Predominately HTML5, so works on most anything with a decent internet connection, besides the household toaster, for now...:facepalm:
  7. N


    Good to see you here Gergo, your website looks very respectable..
  8. N


    Welcome x)
  9. N

    Some love for a fellow webmaster? xD

    Hi all, I guess I should probably get myself out of probation, huh? xc Always good for first impressions; I'm Nick, and I'm currently beyond super busy trying to populate my new website (for those interested, VodMine - A Free, Fast, And Reliable Video Hosting Solution.) Of course any and all...