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  1. L

    You can contact me icq 669068563 skype lollipop_130 and we discuss it
  2. L

    When you click on thumbnail it would go to post with image to be clicked to start video or download. Rather than click thumbnail that goes to post with image but image does not connect to anything, instead to look for links for download. Just kind of confusing at first. If you like, go my site...
  3. L

    over all not bad, a little confusing to me but not too bad. couple things maybe, I like if image linked to image/video file/player or if visible link directly under image easy to find. Some picture under main image link to some site named picsee? sort of looks like a photobucket account, not...
  4. L

    Review: (18+)

    Hi, been working on this a few months. I am disabled and trying to make hopefully some much needed extra income. After much trials, troubles and tribulation I hope the site is about ready to move forward. If functional enough will move forward for traffic/link exchange etc. Site is about 75% on...
  5. L


  6. L


    Thanks for the welcomes
  7. L


    Greetings, new struggling webmaster seeking help, advice, traffic etc.