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  1. D Discussion Thread

    If possible and still an offer, please upgrade my free registreted account to a already begun to upload my files and have passed a 100 gb, would be bad to loose it all within 90 days :) Account name is: DarkMage --- Have been upgraded, guessing someone have read my post in...
  2. D

    What is the best trilogy of all time?

    well gotta say the old star wars trilogy is the best trilogy in my world :sun:
  3. D

    Do you make your bed?

    Well wouldn't say i make my bed as so, but i do hang my pillow and "dyne" out in the open every day i rise up. I want to get all the moisture out of my room so out it goes and i also open my window to get some air circulation into the room
  4. D

    2x Pure SSD Linux & Windows VPS for 6 months from Cloudieweb!

    Damnit i should have known a week ago, nice price and it seems like the competition was reasonbly easy to participate in :(
  5. D

    Hello Guys

    Nice to know im not the only new member in here. Welcome to you, hope you get a nice time here :)
  6. D

    God evening everybody :) Denmark calling

    Hi peoples I have just joined your forum and look forward to see if it's something for me. Hoping everyone will bear with me as im learning how to use and behave in here. Thanks in advance and also sorry for any mistakes i may be making in the beginning :)