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  1. T - Non-Adult and Adult Image Sharing - Up to $7.00/1000 Views!

    Why u don't pay??? today is friday 2014-09-03 $3.99 PENDING
  2. T - Adult Image Sharing - Up to $8.00/1000 Views!

    My balance is fine ???? .My last payment is on 24 June. :whistling: "][/URL]
  3. T - Adult Image Sharing - Up to $8.00/1000 Views!

    My earn in 27//6-28/6 are lost. And I don't reccive any pay. please check it now :cursing: :thumbdown: ID theonht
  4. T - Adult Image Sharing - Up to $8.00/1000 Views!

    what happen with my Balance, it still Discounts. check for me: ID theonht
  5. T - Earn up to 70% PPS - Competition now started!

    please upgrade my account Account name: theonht
  6. T

    Exchange from payza to webmoney or perfectmoney

    I have Payza, I want exchange to webmoney or perfectmoney. Someone tell me some site auto exchange payza, webmoney, perfectmoney please. I found this site Exchange Payza to Perfectmoney Skrill OK Pay Paypal Instantly - Home , but I don't know this site scam or not scam ? :wacko:
  7. T - Adult Image Sharing - Up to $8.00/1000 Views!

    WTF? 3 hours ago when I login my balance is 4.12$. And now I login my balance is 3$. I don't receive any money on this time. Please check for me ID: theonht FIX IT NOW :thumbdown:
  8. T - Earn up to 8$/1000 View - 10% referral - All Traffic Allowed

    they don't load, user can't see image. You must fix it now :wacko::wacko: when I click Unhandled Exception Message: Error rendering view: [path...
  9. T - Earn up to 8$/1000 View - 10% referral - All Traffic Allowed

    Waiting for paying :x: ... Paid Thanks for first payment!