Search results

  1. L - Fixed $10.00 - MPS (70% initial sale/60% Rebill) & PPD (40USD/1000)

    @FileParadox : I requested payment since 29 may 2014 , & according to your "Payout Schedule" system you must pay me yesterday (15 june 2014) ... but my payout request is still pending until now :thumbdown: When will you pay me ???
  2. L - Earn UP TO 40$/1000 - PPD - Official support

    Hi, can you add France in Group 1 ? There are many uploaders who post on fr websites / forums , so it will be good for us (uploaders) and for you too @filedust
  3. L - 60% Sale 50% Rebill + 30% Reseller Sale & Rebil or 30$ on PPD + 10% Sale

    @filegrasper : all the files that I uploaded today don't appear when I click on their links!! there is always this error!! (see the picture below) and old files are displayed normally! What is the problem?! I thought that fileom was interesting host and I put my fileom links on the top of the...
  4. L

    VozUpload - 60% PPS - Up to 40$/1000 PPD - 50/50 Mixed Plan

    we need that unregistered users can download up to 2GB or 1GB , 500Mb is very low
  5. L

    VozUpload - 60% PPS - Up to 40$/1000 PPD - 50/50 Mixed Plan

    Welcome to WJ :) Please premium account User: leonmt
  6. L

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    I have read and I know it. but the huge difference between values ​​is abnormal
  7. L

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    Counting problem I have a problem in my account concerning the counting system (Downloads / Earnings). I have 262 Total downloads, but in the earning table it's mentioned 6 downloads only !!!! I contacted support but no reply!!