Oh yea I remember you. You where using linkbucks redirects with our service. Thats why you were banned. They were in a number of your traffic logs. Using other redirects with ours was against the TOS. I am done with this whole mess, ask the new owner if he is going to put up with your crap...
Hello members,
As of 8:00pm eastern time, Xlocker.net has been bought by another party.
It has been a great run, you can email the new owner at DigitalHacks@live.com to ask about his future plans for the site.
The XLocker Team
1. I can't do much about. I don't get paid for countries not listed. Sorry but that is how it is.
2. I actually agree with you. What I have installed on my site came like this, I just aded my ads code and got what I got. I have removed this page for a time, I think everyone will be happier with...
You may think this but because we offer a higher rate then most host people hit that $10 faster and we are getting nailed with processing fees. If you want to keep the $5 minimum payout the rates would need to drop and I don't think anyone wants that. Do you disagree? Currently on our system we...
It stretches to full size We like it like that. It allows a user to see the highest possible definition of the picture.
Submit a ticket, I took a quick look and you never selected a payout method. Just tell them you want to cancel you pending so you can pick you payment method again...
Hey guys,
Due to Payza and US relations our accounts have been frozen and we are unable to pay our loyal members. If you have requested a payout lately and this has affected you, please bear with us until this issue can be resolved. If you have requested a Payza payout but have a Paypal...
All Paypal Payments will be cleared (3-7 Hours).
Payza have issues so it will take time.
Added after 1 Day 14 Hours:
Surprise Promotion - Earn 5$ For all Countries
Why we are comparing social media platform with search engine ??
we should compare FB with twitter, vk, other platforms.
And google is big daddy of internet , they have established years ago and now no one can compete with them. so let's forget !!
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