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  1. L

    Other Need cheap .in domain registeration

    Hey, I need a cheap .in domain registeration service that also accepts perfect money or bitcoin. Thx
  2. L

    ScopeHosts.Com Unmetered 100Mbps|1Gbps Windows/Linux VPS at 7.99€/mo.(NL,DE,US,RU)

    I see a forum section in scope hosts, it will be very nice to have a forum there, when it will be opened ?
  3. L

    ScopeHosts.Com Unmetered 100Mbps|1Gbps Windows/Linux VPS at 7.99€/mo.(NL,DE,US,RU)

    My VPS is down again , now it is down for 1 hour, 5 days ago it was down for 7 hours, why it is down again (Ticket #242227) ?
  4. L

    ScopeHosts.Com Unmetered 100Mbps|1Gbps Windows/Linux VPS at 7.99€/mo.(NL,DE,US,RU)

    Please answer Ticket #504424 about 7 hours downtime of my VPS (RU100-Silver) , i want to know why it happened and if it gonna happen again. __________________ Added after 3 Hours 26 minutes: Above ticket status changed to answered while i do not see any answer from any staff in my ticket [:|]
  5. L

    Cloudflare or Incapsula

    I think cloudfare is older , if i'm right then i always prefer to work with older one. by the way if you have the money! of course protecting yourself is a lot better but it needs lots of money to have something for yourself like cloudfare !