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  1. C - 60% over the sales and rebills

    lower payouts More such protection means half of the time premium account is unusable. Such protection makes buying premium senseless. Less downloads for downloaders = less pay outs for uploaders. Simple as that.
  2. C - 60% over the sales and rebills

    Error : Cloudflare Anti DDos Measures enabled Yes, same here and premium account (valid in browser) is invalid in jD
  3. C - 60% over the sales and rebills

    speed issue As a premium user I have noticed speed issue lately. I don't have super fast connection but while using my download speed is around 3 MB/s, filemates download speed is about 300 kiB/s. It's not that fast that it used to be unfortunately. BTW. Happy New...
  4. C - 60% over the sales and rebills

    real-debrid already blocked as far as I know real-debrid accounts have been already blocked for few months from now, don't worry.