Search results

  1. Z - PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

    Wow today "server not found" when I try open
  2. Z - PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

    puh now its few days down....not normal
  3. Z - PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

    please give silver pnemium, user: hugezombie and open ftp servers for FXP upload
  4. Z - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    1. Not too much. But I always reupload the same stuff like Iron Man aso..( only Games, Movies, Software, eBooks ) They abuse those stuff every 2-3 days. But daily different stuff was abused. 2. 2TB 3 No not realy 4. Very old, one of the first. I dont remember but more than 3-4 years. 5...
  5. Z - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    Would be nice , if you delete finished remote upload links after some time. ..and also give us option to retry failed remote uploads. thnks
  6. Z

    Rapidleech NFO2PNG Integration

    Hello, I modified a php script for my RL and want to share it here as a Tut: This button converts all .nfo files in "/files" directory to .png to "/files" Add 2 .php files and this Fontfile to root of RL: nfo2png.php - nfo2png.php <?php function buildNFO($nfotext, $footer =...
  7. Z

    New! - Encrypted Swiss Filehost

    Ok, but please don't change your conditions like RapidShit few weeks before :P
  8. Z - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    within 30 business days !!! I got my money every time. Just be patient
  9. Z

    New! - Encrypted Swiss Filehost

    Hello, what is right ? or Storage 500 GB or Unlimited ? So correct FAQ or Pic
  10. Z

    Premium host file stored forever?

    Bitshare delete my files and closed account in the past ( before 6 month ). I only used it for storage, no sharing, no abused files. Dont waste your time and money with it. It ll end in a bad surprice one day
  11. Z

    BitShare discussion thread

    Today my files all gone in my premium account . Is this a bug ? My files come back ? I had more than 500 GB and today showing me 0 files :(
  12. Z

    VDSWARE - Unmetered 1 Gbps Virtual Servers (UK)

    ok sounds good, what about server load ? where is the limit ? do we have to worry about it ?
  13. Z

    Sborg with 25GB storage

    Estro Web is no solution for me. I tried my first time sborg with tehost and I like it. Tehost was not so good for me so I stopped after 2 months. they had a lot of downtimes and server moves after ddos attacks. I m tired of that. RDP is an option I want try RDP at awesomeRDP. But I want to stay...
  14. Z

    Sborg with 25GB storage

    I'm also looking for a small 20GB/1GBs sborg host in NL. I want to pay via paysafecards. Is there anything ? Note: This is my First post :-)