i use firefox, google chrome & internet explorer between 18 to 24 july but ur site refused to let me download any files even with different countries ip address by using vpn, anyway, it work now, i am able to download a few files here & there using my real ip as well as vpn ip from another...
:facepalm: can't even download any files from bigfile.to as a free user for the past 3 to 4 days with FF/GC/IE, so is this file host dead like bitshare/freakshare/firedrive which won't let anyone download any files but the site r still up just to generate ads for easy $?
8-) pls add these 3 good hosts, they r far better than RS/DF when it come to free user DL spd...
max 2048mb per file
max 5000mb per file
max unlimited per file
max upload size: 3GB (could be unlimited if they can fix max upload size bug)
;) pls add this host coz it've no waiting, no captcha, no DL/UL spd limit & got parallel DL, multi-file upload, unlimited file storage (although the top say 1TB which is wrong) & the file...
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