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  1. I and our other services - Earn up to $8/1000

    @feniks36023 days ago I sent you $20 dollars through webmoney for the Gold List (my username on your website: uprockstar). I'm still waiting, please send me that list.Thanks.
  2. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    We are not selling module to ImgShot script. We are selling the PPV module (to make image hosting like imagetwist) to our script.
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    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    @lawina I know about it. Someone boyght my script and illeagally selling it now. It's a risk in the "php script industry". But he's selling old version (with a lot of bugs) 1.0.6. Now I'm selling 1.2.0. Not compatible with PPV module also. And there is no chance to support or customization...
  4. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    @vegahall07 I didn't get notifications about your posts to my email (I think it because it was editing). But everything is working now and we solved problem's on the support desk so cool.
  5. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    As you can see on message, you simply added a wrong mysql data. I offered to you a free install service. Please check ticket status to more info.
  6. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    Hi! You bought only PPV module. Like we write on the website - it's only additional module. So you have to buy a standard package (from $97) to make it work. Kind Regards, imagetize team!
  7. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    One week left to publish version 1.3.0 lawina are you interested in buying?
  8. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    1. You have to translate only one file to have some other language. 2. You can easly do it. Please check description and screenshots: How to monetize imagetize - Image Hosting Script Please check PM to get discount.
  9. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    Sorry that I respond so late, but I didn't get any notofication about your reply. Actually we are working on the version 1.3.0. It's about one/two weeks. And yes - we have language pack - 7 languages. It's prepared by native speakers - our clients. Do you want some discount?
  10. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    @darkness Here is the pricing. The base of the script: one domain license with copyright link - $97 one domain license without copyright link - $127 multi domain license with copyright link - $247 multi domain license without copyright link - $297 and Pay Per View module -$47
  11. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    We just release a Pay Per View module! imagetize is the first script with this module. Make money on images! more info:
  12. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    Yes, of course. The only thing you have to do is edit one file. It will take a few minutes. Yes, this feature is on my "To-Do" list. __________________ Added after 9 Days 1: There are new important updates: two new languages​​: - German - French If someone wants to get the discount code...
  13. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    Special discount codes for WJ members: - one domain license with copyright - 15% - 15OFF1WJ - one domain license without copyright - 20% - 20OFF2WJ Here you can use it:
  14. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    Thanks nick0425! If you want I will give you discount code for the script :)
  15. I


    Please check again :) Everything works.
  16. I

    any image host site that support using of my adfly account to share images

    Hi! My image hosting script support adfly accounts. Check this function here:
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    Hi! Please review my new site: Link: free image hosting Graphic was made by professional designers. I spent this site a lot of work and time. Please for your opinions and suggestions.
  18. I

    Selling Ready to monetize Image Hosting Script. AdSense ready. SEO, Admin Panel, multi-server

    Hi! Imagetize is currently one of the most advanced image hosting script. One of its biggest advantages is the inbuilt admin panel. Thanks to this panel you can quickly browse through the pictures and albums base. The matter of very good SEO optimization is also important. The seo-friendly...
  19. I

    What is Best Investment Site & Why?

    $100? I think the best idea is to create a couple micro-niche website with AdSense ads. There is no other way with that small budget.