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  1. H

    My site shows "File not found" please help

    Hi, there is some serious problem with my website It's running ok, but few times at day it shows this for couple of hours: After few hours, it's back to normal again. I'm on dedicated server, but the admin don't...
  2. H

    Help - My site loads a while then turns white :(

    No my ISP is not blocking it. This problem happens only on 1st load. When I refresh the site, it's working fine (check the video) And I'm not the only one facing this problem. And yes i'm using W3 cache My browser's cache is always deleted after i close chrome (anonym mod). ----------...
  3. H

    Help - My site loads a while then turns white :(

    Guyz, I know that sometime it's loading OK, but that's not the point! I need to fix it, and telling me it's loading fine at your home won't help.
  4. H

    Help - My site loads a while then turns white :(

    It doesn't work in IE / Chrome / Safari. And I need to fix it for my visitors, me using FF is not a solution.
  5. H

    Help - My site loads a while then turns white :( screenshot: Everytime I open my site in Chrome (it happens in IE too), it loads few things but then suddendly it turns white! Anyone can help me fix it? :( Site is running on VPS, using wordpress. Thanks
  6. H

    [official] Thread

    how long do you keep inactive files on premium account?
  7. H File Hosting

    i get only 300kb/s download speed :(