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  1. M - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    Many thanks for payment (requested 21-09-13 via WM).
  2. M - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    I can log into my UL account and upload no probs but at the moment no download links are loading/working... i get ''can't establish a connection to the server at''.
  3. M

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Not a good move by RG to make free users register to download content, it will only result in RG being banned from all the big sites.
  4. M

    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    Hey I was in the same boat... just extended my account but couldn't login, requested new password but even that didn't let me sign in either ''Invalid User ID or password!'' :facepalm: It's a cookie issue, you need to remove the netload cookie then try to login again and it will work (did for...
  5. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey They're trying to sell host... Someone should post on that site to let any potential buyers know that the current owners seem to have stopped paying affiliates (who'd want to purchase...
  6. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey I requested payment 2012-07-20 but still haven't received it. Not looking good.
  7. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    So now FPH have changed the max download limit from 400mb to 300mb for free users :facepalm: You should keep it as 400mb... to keep changing the max download limit is not a good idea as uploaders have now got loads of files 300mb+ that can't be downloaded unless people either register or go...
  8. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey Many thanks for latest payment... appreciated B-)
  9. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey I don't think they pay anymore... also, there's seems to be little or no support from these Guys nowadays.
  10. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey Zurby If you could post the google e-mail so we could see those files removed that would be appreciated. I lost money from my account balance yesterday and there's no way i post malware or viruses... so will be interested to see if any of my files are on that list. Thanks Also, how long do...
  11. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey Same thing has happened in my account too, lost $3+ from my balance since yesterday.
  12. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey Is the site down for everyone at the mo?
  13. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Just received my 2nd payment... many thanks ;)
  14. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey I see a few people in this thread saying the max download for free users is 300 per file ... ... So how come when my files hit 200 downloads i get this message ''This file reached max downloads limit'' and have to post a new link. Is the limit 200 or 300 for free users?
  15. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Hey Just received my first payment today... appreciated. I like many others were very sceptical about this host but i now know they're Genuine and do pay uploaders. Many thanks B-)
  16. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    That's good to hear but only 5GB storage is way too low... wish you would change it again as it used to be 10GB.
  17. M Launches ! Earn $$$ With Our Affiliate Program

    Only giving free uploaders 5GB storage space is a bit amateurish. I've now reached the 5GB limit so can no longer upload files to your host until i receive my first payment from you Guys (which i just requested) to go premium. I'm not going to use my own money to go premium after reading many...
  18. M

    Filevelocity, anyone?

    @pazdziorex That's great you got paid but you're not allowed to post screenshots of your earnings @WJ... best remove it before Admin/Mods see it B-)
  19. M

    Filevelocity, anyone?

    Hey I received a payment from FV today (requested 27-05-12). I still have 2 payments outstanding from 28-04-12 & 09-06-12 though. When they pay up i will think about using them again...