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  1. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    @asskickacr: how to see it, i cant see my rate, but very low cash in comparison with other hosts !
  2. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    just received payment, too low rate ! I am consider that is it my payment for both March + April or only 1 month ?
  3. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    waiting for payment, for both March (missed payment) and April !
  4. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    cant upload at the moment, upload is very unstable !
  5. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    Upload in morning and afternoon works like a charm, but in evening i cant upload !
  6. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    Not receive payment yet ! I nearly despair about my payment ! The only reason that i have not left megashare now is your enthusiasm !
  7. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    Last month, i did not upload any file on fiber upload, but they still pay me a lot for old files (>100$) (very on time)! And i upload all my files to megashare but have not received anything yet ! I am thinking of coming back to fiberupload !
  8. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    @Styla: please reply my pm, do i meet the minimum payment or not ? Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
  9. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    So, when my premium acc expires, what do i have to do? Contact Styla? Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
  10. H

    MegaShare Affiliate Program: Earn 70% of ad revenue -Highest Paying (Official Thread)

    anyone know how to extend premium account? my premium acc expired yesterday, and when i access to extend premium acc page and bought click on pay, megashare give me a new password --> new account ?