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  1. Z

    A Honest Review plz

    Hrm, the site is missing originality. The into was free from templatemonster and has been used many times over, same goes with the skin. I just get the feeling "yet another site that looks the same". Just stating my personal opinion, and yep I agree with the posters above to do some GFX work...
  2. Z

    jvb plugin issues.

    I'm starting to think that the plugin is flawed. Does anyone know a good plugin that integrates vBulletin with Joomla? - Zoneout
  3. Z

    jvb plugin issues. Not sure if all info is correct, but that's my config.php if that helps. And the bpportalconfig.php for jvb plugin: Zoneout
  4. Z

    jvb plugin issues.

    Hey guys, I'm having an issue here about jvb plugin, I've installed vBulletin fine, which is all good and well. When I enable parts of the plugin as in Joomla and get to this part: Enable plugin “System - BBPIXEL Portal Plugin It redirects me to this error: Warning...