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  1. B

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    Suggestion : "PPS Fixed 12-15-17" like old filesonic or new affilate types give same money for every sold accounts.
  2. B - 100% Pay Per Sale & Up to 15$/1000 Downloads

    When the alertpay payments will be activeted to buy premium account ?
  3. B - 100% Pay Per Sale & Up to 15$/1000 Downloads

    You added alertpay to receive payment, it is nice.Can you add alertpay to buy a premium account ? Another quetion is if somebody buys a premium account from my download link, can I earn %110 ? and also if somebody buys premium account from my referall link can I again earn %110 ? Destop...
  4. B - 100% Pay Per Sale & Up to 15$/1000 Downloads

    Please add the new payment method to buy premium account.Nowadays paypal has a issue for many users.If you can add credit card or alertpay method, it will be nice for uploaders and you.
  5. B

    Dedicated 1Gbps unmetered

    I sent you pm about 1gbt servers.
  6. B – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    Same things, My account was banned AlertPay Fraud :( Also I didnt get any mail from them about banned.I had 6tb contain in my filesonic account but they banned without any reason.
  7. B – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    My account was closed, too without any reason.
  8. B

    Need staff for RlsScene.Com

    site is
  9. B

    Need staff for RlsScene.Com

    Hi :) I need to staff who like to spend time on warez shares such as movies games etc.
  10. B

    Don't take Filserve premium account

    or change filehost, use filesonic if it is possible for you.
  11. B

    Don't take Filserve premium account

    Where do you live ? If you live in Turkey or something like that fileserve may has been suspensed by country due to dmca.
  12. B

    Best Data Center? [ ]
  13. B


    Hello :) Site : Please Review My Site, :)
  14. B - Review Movies Games Programmes Shows Musics And more download We use FileSonic and Fileserve links on all shares. vBulletin 4.0.7 We give filesonic premium account to download from our shares easily with no wait, no bandwidth.
  15. B

    Selling Selling Buy Now (50$)

    I bought RLSScene.Com Thank you PA$$!oN everything. Site will be open a few days later exactly with new upload team and free premium account games.
  16. B

    He All WJ Members

    Hii Im BeRk from turkey... If you have a question about Turkey , ask me 7x24 :) :)
  17. B

    The Official Alertpay Support Thread

    I requested withdraw bank wire on 11.08.2011.It was completed on 8/16/2011 in alertpay account.However, I didnt get money, I could not see money in my bank account so I opend ticket but anyone didnt reply that ticket.Please contact with me and solve issues together.