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  1. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    2 sale(3 month )...but no rebill
  2. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    yes。 sorry for my bad english
  3. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    :facepalm:sorry for my bad english
  4. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    3 sales today
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    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    I have sales from japan
  6. S

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    yes .yesterday received .request 2012-11-08
  7. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Silence is Golden
  8. S

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    ftp server slow.cant upload:'(
  9. S

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    got first paid ! thanks!
  10. S

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    same here requests on 9/10 wmz not received
  11. S

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    a few days=2 week - 4 week
  12. S

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    Hi,ryushare,about"pub" what is it used for ?
  13. S 50% PPS, up to 15$ PPD

    hello! you are Chinese Superman