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  1. S

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Netload remote upload still doesnt work.. :(
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    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Still have problem on this..
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    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Netload remote upload doesn't work.. Received html file instead of file.. Kindly fix this..
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    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    What took them so long to add webmoney for payout option..
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    Warez-bb bans Rapidgator ... Bye Bye.

    The reason why WBB banned RG..
  6. S File Hosting

    You cant upload to extabit unless you are an affiliate. Even premium member cant upload.
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    Two question on PPS and PPD

    Some host only counts free downloads, some counts both free and premium download but with some twist like 1 download per IP/Premium account per day.. I haven't seen a host that counts only premium downloads for PPD..
  8. S

    How to bypass DMCA ?

    duruakant is correct.. The only way to avoid DMCA is not to upload copyrighted materials..
  9. S File Hosting

    @xaineez: Registration for affiliate is currently not available.. But if you generate good amount of sale from other host.. You can contact them with the screenshots of your earnings from other host..
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    Shared Hosting Accounts - 50 Accounts

    I like
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    Selling 1,000 Image, Trackback and Comment Backlinks - $0.74 - 50% off Coupon

    Amazing.. Receive the reports way faster than I expected.. Keep up the good work buddy.. I'm sure I'll be back for more.. Cheers..
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    Netload Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Netload here.

    In the fix $12 plan, 2 days premium sold is also counted?
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    [Official] - Earn $40/1,000 Downloads, 50% from Sales & Rebills or Mix!

    Is there a way to move multiple files to a folder at once? moving 1 by 1 is really annoying.. And also the sorting of files, it cant be arrange alphabetically..
  14. S Support

    Thanks for the upgrade :D
  15. S Support

    Free 1 month premium is nice.. :D Gonna try it out now..
  16. S File Hosting

    Upload is only available for affiliate accounts. Ordinary premium user are not permitted to upload by any means. But I think you can contact the support or pm the admin here to enable your upload if you really need it.
  17. S File Hosting

    5 days no sale... Mr Lucky is on vacation :( ..
  18. S

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    what's the current rate of ryushare? and can I set my file to only premium download?