Search results

  1. B


    Urm, looks nice, but for the same reason -Im.z2ight- said, why use the same domain as the .com? Thats pretty bad if you're trying to grow into a successful image host, you want to be unique. Invest in a new creative side of your brain and think of a creative name instead of using others. This is...
  2. B

    7 Tricks For Faster Photoshop

    Implemented it, can't see no immediate effect, but hey oh, might make it faster.
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    How safe to use Nulled scripts??

    Do a google search for Offshore Hosting, host your nulled scripts on that, when they send you an email, ignore it, they will then send one to your host who will either tell them to piss off or inform you about the email they recieved. I've ran nulled scripts for years, mainly IPB and...
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    Need some slogan for my site

    How original Magic!
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    "Ohh, ohh, ohh, yeah Blake, ohh ohh ohh" That is never going to go out of my head! THANKS<3

    "Ohh, ohh, ohh, yeah Blake, ohh ohh ohh" That is never going to go out of my head! THANKS<3
  6. B

    Need this WP theme

    *cough* *cough* Google the name, it's available free, first page of google ;) *cough* *cough*
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    PHP Quick Tips

    Good idea, I will do one soon :)
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    PHP Quick Tips

    I've started a new channel on YouTube, (PHPQuickTips). My aim is to help you throughout your journey of learning PHP by using some quick tips and some tutorials. The channel was create a few days ago, and there is a few videos up already, and I am getting round to recording a load for the...
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    Need some slogan for my site

    I like them! :D - There is 'jive' too ;)
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    Need some slogan for my site

    It does have a bit of a ring to it, I like my first one though, " Don't Just Get It, Hi5 It " it's like, don't get the download, get it from Hi5!, but it's your choice, I just thought of a few for you :)
  11. B

    how To take snapshot of imdb?

    I used greenshot ( screenshot utility for windows, it can capture the entire page or selected area, or current view, however, I like that screenshot tool Alshajjar posted, so going to give that a try!
  12. B


    Thanks for the long and informative welcome! The amount of forums I have been on, I know 99% of the rules off by heart! Hahaha, I've even ran my own forums in the past. The infamous probation period does get annoying with the captcha though! :P Looking forward to seeing you around and...
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    Need some slogan for my site

    Hmm, I thought of one.. " Don't Just Get It, Hi5 It " I'll have a think of some more too :) Edit: " It Needn't Be Hell With Hi5 " " Every Hi5 Helps " " Melts In Your Hi5, Not In Your Hand " " We Don't Make Hi5. We Make Hi5 Better " " The Hi5 Of A New Generation "
  14. B


    Thanks, and no probs, got unbanned in the end haha. And the FB pic, it's advertising for the girls that might ponder upon this forum ;)
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    Can't get away from my brother. For HAWK: Removed If you can see that! Hahaha, me on the left, chris in the middle and my cousin on the right :P @Chris, I'll post something up when I have made one, can you elaborate on what you mean by on a form submit? When you click [button] it counts...
  16. B

    I need Twitter Auto Submitter Program fron Desktop please

    Take a look at TweetDeck, manage all your social network sites in once place! (Found this from an article in the newspaper, the creator sold the application to twitter for £25 million GBP, not bad eh?)
  17. B

    Google +1 button for websites!

    That looks pretty sexy, I might add that into a few of my sites :)
  18. B


    Hey guys! My name is Blake, hence the username, I am a web designer / developer, and have been looking round these forums for a while, but never registered, finally, I registered and looking forward to putting my input out there :) I am 18 years old and live in the UK, I have been doing...