Search results

  1. A - Upto $50 PPD or 60% PPS

    I upgraded your account. For the FTP upload speed can you please pm me the results from a traceroute to ? Seem like it's ok now after you upgrade my account, thank you very much
  2. A - Upto $50 PPD or 60% PPS

    Thanks for your support last time. I've found another problem about FTP upload speed, it's very slow. Could you please fix it?? BTW, could you please upgrade my account?? My account is : dome2309
  3. A - Upto $50 PPD or 60% PPS

    Hi PrivateFiles, I've some problem about my payout details. I just found that my wmz details was wrong and I just request my first payout yesterday (it still pending). So could you please cancel it?? My account is dome2309. Thanks....
  4. A

    Hotfile Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

    3 months i did not receive anythings from hotfile. First, I use wmz and they said they have some problem with webmoney so please wait for a while. After that i've change to PAYPAL and again they said please be patient because some problem. Last month I've changed to PAYZA and still did not...
  5. A Discussion thread

    Hi File paradox, i'm new for your host, just start working around 1wks. Everything look best, your stat count is better than other host. But i'd like to know about your payment?? Is there still be problem with Webmoney?? How about Payza?? is there any problem with them?? Please kindly advise...
  6. A - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    yes, me too. Around 3weeks, no sale at all. Last month i've got 3-5 sale/day.
  7. A

    DepFile - affiliate program PPS Earn up to 40%! daily Payouts!

    i've got your confirmation email, thanks a lot
  8. A

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    hi, i've got 6 sales.
  9. A

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    yes, i've got my money yesterday. By the way, still got sale today. lol
  10. A

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    i saw ACIUF news, it show that avangate will take some action on 1st Nov. Let's wait, may be we'll have some good news tomorrow??
  11. A

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Hi Megaload, Remote up is is still problem, please review it.
  12. A

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    i just got 1sale yesterday after 1wk, maybe by other method not cc. But i've already change to ppd plan Hope cc pay will back in soonest
  13. A

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    they said, cc can be use in few day. Hope it's true. I saw some Uploader share details "from end of October the file will be changed to premium only" May be next month, the system will be OK.
  14. A - Official Support Thread

    Hi Lumz, i just send you pm, please advise as well.
  15. A - Official Support Thread

    i'm the new one for Lumfile host, by the way I start to sharing my file with lumfile host for a several week. Download is around 1000+ times, but it still no premium sale. I'm not sure why, please kindly advise. I see someone request lumfile to open affiate, if it neccessary could you please...
  16. A

    FreakShare - Earn up to €45/$60 per 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    this what i mean to, paypal email to me...
  17. A

    FreakShare - Earn up to €45/$60 per 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hey Freakshare!! I've got it. thanks for your payment.
  18. A

    FreakShare - Earn up to €45/$60 per 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hi Freakshare, you just change my last payment request to "Paid" but it's not have anything in my paypal account. Could you please check? my account : a_ngernsri
  19. A

    FreakShare - Earn up to €45/$60 per 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

    Hi Freakshare, Why today my rank is drop from Pro to Lite?? download count is still the same as yesterday?? Could you please explain how you calculate the rank?? Many time that I reach Pro but for around 2 or 3 day it will drop to Lite or sometime low. BR, my account is a_ngernsri