Search results

  1. J - Daily payment PPD up to $5/1000 downloads, no limit speed, support WMZ

    "You can download files up to 50 Mb only. Upgrade your account to download bigger files." Why only 50 Mb? Please put at least 300 Mb for free users, please.
  2. J - Rock Solid Cloud Storage $25 PPD, 65% PPS (Recurring)

    You can add Portugal in Group C? A few pages ago you said you was gonna see and so far nothing.
  3. J - Upload Image, Share & Earn up to 6$/1000 Views

    please active my account Username: jhdsp
  4. J - Rock Solid Cloud Storage $25 PPD, 65% PPS (Recurring)

    Can you put Portugal in Tier 3, please?
  5. J - Earn Up to 6$ Per 1000 Views - Adult And Non Adult

    Activate my affiliate account, please username: jhdsp
  6. J - $2 /1000 Downloads PPD for all Countries and sizes, Up To 70% PPS

    Can you keep the files for registered users at least 30 days to last download, please?
  7. J - Official support thread

    still paying with Payza, or is it so easy for you by webmoney?
  8. J

    Vidpe: 0-3 Days Payout, $30 PPD/50% PPS/Mixed

    2 Questions: Remote Upload is only for premium? Can you put Portugal to Tier B? Thanks
  9. J

    Vidpe: 0-3 Days Payout, $30 PPD/50% PPS/Mixed

    Hi Can you upgrade my account to premium and add Portugal to tier 2, please? User: jhdsp Thanks
  10. J - Official Support Thread

    Can you activate my affiliate account? Username: jhdsp Thanks
  11. J - Simple Pay-Per-Download Program

    To do I download a file, I had to do 12 clicks to close the ads and start downloading. Users do not like it ... Please take half of advertising, as it is, is an exaggeration of advertising ... And also do not forget to climb the rates of group B
  12. J

    Ultramegabit Pay-Per Download $35/1000 - PPS 75% - Rebill 60/40

    Please active my account PPD Username: jhdsp Thanks
  13. J is payng or no?

    In Payment Info Moneybookers, I have to put the e-mail or Customer ID
  14. J - PPD Up to 60$/1000Dls PPS 70% of Sales+Rebills Hybrid Plan (40/40)

    Don't forget Portugal! Please put Portugal in group B or C like any other host. thanks
  15. J Up to $30 per 1000 downloads and 50% PPS (All countries paid!)

    remains the same, only begins downloading after 1 or 2 minutes and the speed is less than 50 Kbps
  16. J

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    Increase the speed for free users, at least 100 kbps, please 50 Kbps is good for PPS but for PPD is very bad :(
  17. J

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    ok I understand Another thing, I registered as I have to wait 120 seconds to download? It was not 30? And for free users is 180 where it should be 60 seconds. fix this, please, because this is a long time :(
  18. J

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    CoralDrive, Minimal payout is €25 ?!? wasn't 10 €? :facepalm: