Search results

  1. N

    Speed up internet!

    This works, DNS Server is the gate to solve domain name. If you are going to browsing faster try to use the fastest one. It is this software do. Google DNS is prettey fast, but checking another possibility is a good idea, many times the best way to get a better connection. I think it will not...
  2. N

    [Giveaway] Win a Domain of your Choice!

    I hope can Win this one.. Thanks bro.. :D
  3. N - US, EU & Encoding Solutions - Remote Desktop VPS Starts $15/month

    Bro, please check Ticket #365094 ---------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ---------- I decide to buy one of france rdp plan.. and I already make payment bro.. Please take a look..
  4. N

    Remote-RDP.CO - Dual Xeon E5620, 32GB Ram, Encoding, 1Gbps RDAs from $15month (NL/EU)

    Did you install .net and java? And can i run poster?
  5. N

    Other - RDP & EncodeRDP(Instant),25GB-500GB,24GbRam,1Gbps,Unmeter,$8/m(US,EU)

    Did you install .net and java? And can i run poster?
  6. N

    Sukhoi's first civilian plane crashed in a test flight, 45 killed.

    Yes, it is already found, and still in progress because the mountain condition, make it difficult to go there.. It is a junggle ..
  7. N Buy Admin Encoding RDP, 10Gbps RDP, Private RDP From 6/Month(NL|FR|DE)

    Hello... Please send my details bro...
  8. N Buy Admin Encoding RDP, 10Gbps RDP, Private RDP From 6/Month(NL|FR|DE)

    I already Paid for france 50 rdp bro.. Please take a look...
  9. N

    Ultimate Post Leecher + Creator

    I got this that error too..
  10. N - Install Tickets at $7.50

    any screenshot about the upload and the download speed?
  11. N

    Shared - cPanel,5GB Space ,100GB Bandwidth,CloudLinux,Warez Linking from $5 (UA)

    Great service so far.. Already help me with many question, I will use their service for a long time i think.. Will make another review after using their service for 1 month..
  12. N

    Shared - cPanel,5GB Space ,100GB Bandwidth,CloudLinux,Warez Linking from $5 (UA)

    Please reply bro.. It is almost 3 days.. My domain name not even online till now..
  13. N

    [Giveaway] - Free Ukraine Hosting | 15 Slots

    Why my support ticket in tehhost is not responded for 1 day more? I have problem with domain name, it never online even already 2 days
  14. N

    Shared - cPanel,5GB Space ,100GB Bandwidth,CloudLinux,Warez Linking from $5 (UA)

    Hello lukkip006.. Please check the inbox, i have something to ask you ..
  15. N

    Shared - cPanel,5GB Space ,100GB Bandwidth,CloudLinux,Warez Linking from $5 (UA)

    Thanks for the cheap hosting, all setup finished in minutes,,, The personel gives good help fast... And i hope will use your other good stuff too :) I want to buy the SBorg, and RDP :) Hope you can give a special price for me.. Will contact you soon..
  16. N

    [Giveaway] - Free Ukraine Hosting | 15 Slots

  17. N

    [Giveaway] - Free Ukraine Hosting | 15 Slots

    pm sent, please help me bro :)
  18. N

    [Giveaway] - Free Ukraine Hosting | 15 Slots

    Bro, i wanna get your help.. I am doing domain transfer, but i do a mistake, i enter a wrong epp code... It is already in invoice , but not yet paid.. What should i do now ?
  19. N

    [Giveaway] - Free Ukraine Hosting | 15 Slots

    I got the code and will doing registration, but i see total recuring is still 7usd a month, not 3.5usd anything wrong?
  20. N

    [Giveaway] - Free Ukraine Hosting | 15 Slots

    I need a hosting now bro.. Thanks very much.. Please give me one :)