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  1. G - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    i got my payment via alertpay thanks duckload
  2. G – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    iam dident get my payment i can show its done to me and sent to my but dident get the payment in my alertpay acc my filesonic ID
  3. G - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    hi admin are you will pay today via alertpay?
  4. G - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    hi duckload i want to know what the meaning of this words is there some thing wrong with alert pay mack you cant pay with it ? my payment Method is MoneyBookers is there any problem with money bookers ? my Current balance is 9.5 $ can i get my payment its under 10 $ just for this week...