ADS Mode => 75% (No adult ADS enabled)
It takes 15 clicks to start playing a video, with approximately 2 pop-ups per click (almost 30 pop-ups total). About 70% of these pop-ups are adult ads. Additionally, it requires 27 extra clicks just to change a single setting (like subtitles or audio) in...
In my case VEEV counts visits without Adblock, without VPN, but they all obtain a profit of 0.0000000. This means that I will subject my audience to a ton of ads, but my account will never make a profit, this is unacceptable.
I'm not sure if I didn't notice and was watching a video that didn't exactly have a subtitle track, or if this problem was actually happening and Veev has fixed it. The only thing certain is that the CC button is now working. In any case, thank you.
Edit the dimensions of the iframe provided by manually. However, I do not recommend putting the player in those dimensions since the size of the icons and control bar of the player are gigantic and will take up almost the entire image while they are visible. The Veev player is not pretty...
I need to make a small correction to point (5) that I previously mentioned. The video image is indeed displayed correctly in both its vertical and horizontal dimensions. However, as the player stays true to the dimensions specified in the embedded iframe, on the vertical axis it adds quite...
Hello, the features of the service caught my attention a lot, but unfortunately, when trying to integrate this service into my website, I encountered some issues that I believe should be urgently addressed (tested with Edge, Safari, and Firefox browsers):
I am experiencing remote loading...
1000 MB not 1 GB
In the characteristics it mentions "- Upload up to 2GB per file", that is, 2048 MB per file should be able to be loaded without problem.
Failure Uploading files larger than 1000 MB (Less than 1 GB), you should be able to upload files up to 2 GB (2048 MB) without problems, as mentioned. I wonder if they will fix this soon or just continue ignoring me.
I don't quite understand what this service does.
On the other hand, I see that I can log in with my email and password, but contradictorily, there is no option to register with them.
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