Why have the views dropped.
There are so many ads that the video is simply impossible to play. I spent 10 minutes closing all these popups, but the video still didn't play, so I gave up.
Websites do not work in all countries. For example, in mine they work only through VPN.
See my other comment above. I work with lot of hostings and know exact day when I'll get my payment, but not this host. And there's lot of websites that has an auto payment.
See my other comment above. I work with lot of hostings and know exact day when I'll get my payment, but not...
I work with video hosts and some advertisers and all of them have 2 payment days in a month, which are 1 and 16, so you know exactly, when you'll get your money.
I like this host, really... Great price for views. But at last times it tooks sooo long to get payment. Why it's not instant (like other hosts), don't get it? Sometimes, you need that small amount soon as possible to pay my freaking internet, but it takes forever... untill it's disconnected and...
There's no payment day. When you reach $1 (minimum payout) or more, then just click on the "request payout" button and wait 1-3 days to receive.
P.S. I'm not mod, just regular user.
There's no captcha on this website. Maybe, you've tried wrong website? In my opinion it's the best website, which is paying for your pics. But it's up to you, bro.
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