Search results

  1. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Time to move on, it was a good ride. We cared too much in the code and user that forgot about the human abusive behaviour. Thanks for the input as you learned the lesson we did learn ours we cannot give people good things as they will exploit it no matter what :). Again thanks to all the...
  2. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Traffic in the last 15 days. Storage was never an issue.
  3. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    We'd like to take this time to extend our thanks and gratitude to all our user, Unfortunately due to certain circumstances we had to cancel our service the use of the platform reached 4Petabytes and no CDN was able to allow it, unfortunately the abuse was detected too late and our patch didn't...
  4. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Clear your cache, or try again should work without issue
  5. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Please try now, you should be able to register :thumbsup:
  6. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Sunday March 22th. - Migration has been finished, expected uptime for this server is 99.9% - Domain change to .cc [no need to worry all embed will be auto-redirected] - Custom Plan has been cancelled until further notice. - Views system is back. - Upload system is also back to usual you can...
  7. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    - Maintenance for the next hours. Migration Upcoming
  8. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    10 Minutes is just the usual time it takes to get the service up, now other issues that the ddos might cause into our server will take more time to solve. service is back up now.
  9. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    The amount of pop-ups for now is limited to the ads manager, as we escalate things will change, we could go down to 1 or 2 pop-ups just time will be part of it [we do not use the usual hdd servers to host our user files otherwise our loading speed would be really limited and original files...
  10. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    We are taking a 12 - 24hrs maintenance mode [service will be available only uploads are disabled] - Encoding System has been patched and working 20% Faster - Currently Fixing Files with error [232011] - 'no need to delete or re-upload files will keep their embed'. -...
  11. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Will update soon, meanwhile we will have a 30min to 1hr maintenance.
  12. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Hi Lukas, yes we are currently working and will be delivering some nice features in due time. We want to avoid giving our users a bad experience so we are testing and checking for all possible bugs that might appear. Cheers - Answered
  13. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Hi werilles, Yes at the moment the max quality is 720p, we use h265 encoding and keep the bitrate in line so there is little difference we could say. Still in the future we might add more qualities; Original files are kept in a cold storage so if more qualities are added in the future 1 click...
  14. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Currently the Payment Platform just work with cards and it is 100% safe to use, Bitcoin should be added in the future. - Custom Plans are billed as all our Plans Monthly and per TB use. - Support might take up to 24 - 72hrs to answer, worst case scenarios, if you look for an answer ASAP write us...
  15. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Update: Our France Server is under High DDOS & our CDN Engineers are removing this server from the routing and working to get our service back in the next 30 or so minutes. Cheers
  16. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    Will be ready on the upcoming updates :thumbsup:, we are working on it. 1582753191 News: - In the last update of our encoding system a bug was found, there is a list of files that are in queue [waiting] and they should be encoded in the next minutes / hours the vast majority of these are [mp4]...
  17. Digiload | Fastest HLS Streaming | DMCA Friendly | 720P | H-A Support & Service

    - This has been fixed, it was an error between our cms and the cdn - Please provide us with urls over PM, we have checked and all videos work without any issues. - Top Speed - Quality 720P [default] - 0 Buffering - Affiliate system will come later on when its update is ready. - Please send...