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  1. H Discussion

    A refferal is someone who creates an account via the reflink. And if this then buys a premium account should be remunerated to you. Exactly this happens only to a maximum of 50%. The sales itself of users who already have an account and buy something through your download link will also only be...
  2. H Discussion

    Here is a small excerpt from the ddownload scam. On the one hand, you can write to the users themselves and ask whether premium accounts were purchased here. Upon inquiry to the support of ddownload, it was even said here that users had not paid or clicked on other reflinks when buying the...
  3. H Discussion

    The new login system / captcha is unfortunately totally buggy and causes no more sales to be generated, or maybe it's one of the new payment methods you've integrated. There are more and more sales that are not remunerated... This is currently really lousy. PPD has been reduced by more than 50%...
  4. H Discussion

    Oh no. Some users will have to wait for their upload tools to be adjusted until this works again. Hope the changes are not too serious and do not affect the API upload function? And can you say how mutch you will reduce the ppd programm like more then 50% ?
  5. H Discussion

    are you reducing the ppd like more than 50% ??
  6. H Discussion

    hm ltc from 16.02 are still open
  7. H Discussion

    The payments from last thursday are still open @ LTC 1675766462 Edit: allright now i recieived it ^^
  8. H Discussion

    yes i see iam so lucky i get every week very late each payment. Sometimes on wednesday sometimes one week later. That sucks. Would be nice if you can give us some better service. If you say you pay it on monday that pay please everyone like other hoster too
  9. H Discussion

    and the rest of LTC Payments which is under $$$$ ???
  10. H Discussion

    yes many payments are still open, like my
  11. H Discussion

    and the rest ltc payments will be finished today ?
  12. H Discussion

    hm something is wrong with the api upload i get some error and no link back ? 1668166033 seem to be fixed
  13. H Discussion

    anything was wrong with you payment provider. I bough one premium account and pay by litecoin but my account is still on free status. A friend of me has the same problem
  14. H Discussion

    Can you please let me know when you have disabled your hardcore cheating system? It was already confirmed to me by the support that this will be activated as soon as the cryptocurrencies fall to absorb the loss. Will then only every 3 or 4 sale remunerated