Search results

  1. D - Earn $5 for 800 points

    I agree it might as well asked to be sued. lol u cant use images which dont belong to you.
  2. D

    Multi Communities looking for staff!

    Gamerstalk looks great pm me your base idea for the site if its good then i will help.
  3. D

    Partners needed for porn blog!

    I am sure most of you dont meet the first requirement. which is 300 post lol how are you to reach anywhere if you cant follow one simple rule. PM I could tell u some ideas.
  4. D

    Want to create a website like this

    I believe they used Word press then use a few different types of addons. :) hope this can help you get an idea. I think they made there own skin though.
  5. D

    Need Moderator for Porn board

    Sounds fun sure I can help out
  6. D

    rapidshare question

    Once those links are not given out they should be safe due to the fact the account should be private. The only way DMCA request is there is because someone found your link and report it. Hope this helps your answer. But in this time and age I could be wrong.
  7. D

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    I have multiple people download files from me and it still show as 0. Is it me or there cheating on downloads as well. I point it out and all they say please make sure you have ur payment choice chosen which i did.
  8. D 2XE5620/X3440/E3-1230, 16 GB/32GB DDR3, 1Gbps-from $8 (NL/EU)

    How long does it take for you to deliver an RDP
  9. D

    Lokking for a RDP Please Help

    I personally like I hope you will enjoy them also
  10. D

    4 Mod Spots Open On Adult Forum

    Please contact me about this forum.
  11. D

    Partner needed for a Warez site

    here is a suggestion. Organize your blog with your games. Example PS3 Computers Xbox 360
  12. D

    Looking for a partner, for a forum

    Basically A fighting site would suit it. Why not have the latest MMA/UFC fight on your youtube account and then post it on the site or some thing like that
  13. D

    Other Looking for good leech system with torrent

    Look into sborg that should help you. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  14. D

    Website Cooperative

    Dont get me wrong. I was into warez but times is changing. And I rather stay out of jail over a few hundred or thousand of dollars. I dont want anything going up me.
  15. D

    Website Cooperative

    I would be happy to give some help and finally someone posting something serious which is not about warez lol.
  16. D

    Website Cooperative

    I am not sure how I can help but I have a degree in business of Finance which is all about stocks and how to run a business. I would be happy to share my knowledge. Please feel free a to pm me and let me know if i can help out.
  17. D

    This or that?

    (.) Rape or being gay? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  18. D

    Who speaks here many languages (Japanese ; French ..)

    I speak cantonese ;) pm me some details maybe I can help.
  19. D

    [Giveaway] Pinterest Invitations for everyone

    I want one too Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  20. D

    How many browser tabs are open right now?

    Most normal people only have a max of 3 but super users which most are at wj will either have 10-20+ simple put.