Search results

  1. X -> 70$ to 100$ for 10K | 10% For affiliate | 1$ minimum .

    There's some features missing in your site. I use uploadship they allow 50 URL uplaods at once but in your site It's only 10. You should allow 60. & There's another bug. When I upload many files using url upload & it doesn't give all links at once. I need to click on every file name & copy...
  2. X

    Guide to make a file hosting website

    I'm thinking to use yetishare as it's much cheaper & updated regularly Can anyone explain the server costs & business model? I'll be getting 30-50k traffic per month at first. Will it be profitable or I'll have to lose some money at first before profit starts? & How much will be server cost.
  3. X

    Guide to make a file hosting website

    Hello webmasters , I'm planning to make a ppd file hosting site. Can you guys guide me how to do it?
  4. X -> 70$ to 100$ for 10K | 10% For affiliate | 1$ minimum .

    Does it pay regularly & is it better than other sites like uploadship?
  5. X -> 70$ to 100$ for 10K | 10% For affiliate | 1$ minimum .

    Hey I see no adsense in your site. Then how do you pay?
  6. X

    XFilesharing Official Support

    Ok. May I know which themes they use? & Which plugins they use. So that I can calculate how much it'll cost to make a website like them.
  7. X

    Hosting for ppd file sharing website

    Hey guys I'm going to open a file sharing website using Yeti share script. Can you suggest which hosting server to use? I know many people are using hetzner. Please suggest some alternative
  8. X

    YetiShare File Hosting Script - Official WJunction Support Thread

    I need a file hosting script like or Can anyone tell which script the use?
  9. X

    yetishare vs xfilesharing

    I need a file hosting script like or Can anyone tell which script the use?
  10. X

    XFilesharing Official Support

    I need a file hosting script like or Can anyone tell which script the use?