Search results

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    \\\\ Vote for a domain! //////

    ok last question .com, .net, .org ?? :)
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    \\\\ Vote for a domain! //////

    thank you for your opinions. I will register sharefactory right away. is namecheap a good warez site registrar? it is located in usa, so if there is any problem with my site(warez links) wouldn't they go after my domain registrar, because without my domain. They could take my hosting away but...
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    \\\\ Vote for a domain! //////

    which domain would you prefer? share-monster sharefiend warez-area warez-spot find-warez sharefactory
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    Questions about ads!

    1. Is it possible to publish ads in your website AND make a profit out of them even if you are not 18 yet. 2. Is there such thing as "pay-per-view" ad? Let's say when the page loads and an ad inside the page shows, would you get credit for it or the user has to click on it? 3. if so, where?
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    SEO - Topic title inside URL?

    yup. I was just making sure if google really crawls those pages with titles in it since that page is not "real". It's not on a server so I thought how will google see it :) thank you for your replies
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    SEO - Topic title inside URL?

    yup more relevant = higher rank in google btw I found a code on how to do this:
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    SEO - Topic title inside URL?

    yeah I know. They don't even have any keywords tag in their page. probably many sites link to warez-bb so that's why they are so high in google rank I don't care about how fast google indexes my page. Im interested in higher ranking position. Topic title in URL must increase your google...
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    SEO - Topic title inside URL?

    I saw some warez sites with this function. Basically this forums URL with the topic: Real or fake looks like this: with the topic name inside the URL, the new URL would be...
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    ok that's cool :) as soon as my server is back, ill try making my own warez site. Anyone want to team up? :happy:
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    I always wondered how much money you can earn with X amount of visitors/day. How much do u make a day tippie?
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    wow is it so easy to profit from warez site? Whats up with everyone making them
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    :zthir6: i dont really care about downtime as much as I care abouyt my google rank. I heard they blacklist those sites with lots of downtime and later on it's hard to get good ranking in google search results.
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    Link Building Service: Cheap : Unbeatable Price

    google ignores links from sites that are irrevelant to your site. If that site relevant to your site, why would they put a link to your site? They don't need extra competition...
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    host fresh doesn't have any support and their site looks like they just downloaded a template and that's it.
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    so who owns hostfresh? tippie? or wrzhost is just basically reselling the stuff hostfresh offers yeah I know, but if 50+ people are using shared hosting, their space/bandwith is limited. They cannot exceed it, so I would think that in shared hosting everyone gets equal share of the server...
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    Link Building Service: Cheap : Unbeatable Price

    this will ruin your sites rank
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    well why not? not every warez site starts out big. First few months traffic is really low and after that, that warez site will most likely die just like others do shared hosting is like dedicated hosting except you share it with few other people. I would imagine they both have same...
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    out of 500+ customers, no one's complaining?
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    50% discount for life? :bloodlust: wait.. how can they not be down? Are those semi-dedicated servers are located with you in belgium?