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  1. D Discussion

    SMS verification is just antifraud mesure. It has not affected conversion rate in any way. We have No problems with card gateways. Here are some news: - Adding more payout methods in a few days - More ftp servers for better upload - Adding new local payment methods in a few days for some...
  2. D Discussion

    Hi, please pm me you ip of your rdp and step by step screenshots or just send a ticket via datafile system.
  3. D Discussion

    Yes, US billing is working. Was disabled for a few days in order to make better security.
  4. D Discussion

    Hi All, Yes, rebill is working with deleted files. We have some great news for all affiliates next week. I'll keep you posted.
  5. D Discussion

    Hi, you still have this issue? In fact it is been fixed. User just need to clear cashe in browser. We only had 1 complain about it in past week.
  6. D Discussion

    pm me your login please.
  7. D Discussion

    We'll add this setting.
  8. D Discussion

    Try to clear cashe in your browser. Problem is been fixed.
  9. D Discussion

    Hi, indeed site is under ddos since 26 December. But it is up and running. We just need to filter bots and may be 5-10% of users will not be able to access site till ddos is finished.
  10. D Discussion

    Please do not post your your email in public, as you open doors for hackers.
  11. D Discussion

    Hi, yes we accidently marked payments for payout today. You will see your balance back in a few hours.
  12. D Discussion

    Please let us know what is not working exactly and better open a ticket.
  13. D Discussion

    Send me pm with your login and link to file so we can check. Payment is in processing by exchanger. You'lll receive it in a few hours.
  14. D Discussion

    Hi, some rebills are go to new sales bacause we are adding new processing bank. As you know you can see all orders and user id's in your stats. So you can check it by yourself.
  15. D Discussion

    You can see some rebills in new sales column. It is because we move some sales to another processing.
  16. D Discussion

    All files are restorred.
  17. D Discussion

    Hi All! They files arenot removed and they will be restored asap. We has some glitch with File System and we investigate this issue. Files going to be restored ina few minutes. Once again, Sorry for inconenience.
  18. D Discussion

    Probably we suspected that you cheat with ppd and paused your last payout till we finish our investigation. I see you earned more then 100$ with ppd but I see not single sale, only free downloads. This kind of strange, don't you think?
  19. D Discussion

    Check now please.
  20. D Discussion

    >Free registration?! & if so, when these registrations ever became premium... will it be counted in our accounts Yes and No. You get sale when some one buy premium using your file only.