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  1. C


    Welcome to WJ
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    Hello Guys

    Welcome to WJ
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    IPTorrents - Free Giveaways

    I would like to get one, this is my speedtest (i'm using RDP) Thank you for this Giveaway :handshake:
  4. C

    Long Live WJunction

    Welcome Back
  5. C

    Hi everyone, it's Matix

    Welcome to WJ
  6. C - 25 EUR/1000 PPD/PPV - 70% PPS - 55% Rebill | Webmaster Plans Available

    wow Rory .. i no longer understand anything !! :wacko: - On 11th Aug 2014 you replied : - On 13th Aug 2014 : - And today : with PPD rates and tiers changes, France still in Group B !! :facepalm: WTF ..
  7. C

    FileStorm Discussion thread

    Glad to hear that your problems are solved :)
  8. C

    Any good (offshore) Domain registrar who won't leak my data to 3rd parties ??

    Hello guys, I'm looking for a good domain registrar who won't leak my data to 3rd parties and won't suspend my domain based on DMCA. I was planning to use Internet.BS but it seems that they are no-more reliable, they suspended a lot of domains to non legitimate DMCA notices. Also what do...
  9. C

    FileStorm Discussion thread

    First of all, they don't need his $9.05, if they were Scammers or thieves they wouldn't transferred all affiliates money, statistics and files to the other host. Secondly, they always pay on time, you receive your money within max 12h. Finally, FileStorm still in BETA and they still develop the...
  10. C

    FileStorm Discussion thread

    Good luck mate :) __________________ Added after 1 minutes: Thanks mate (y) .. they are now " FileStorm "
  11. C - 25 EUR/1000 PPD/PPV - 70% PPS - 55% Rebill | Webmaster Plans Available

    welcome back Rory. I always asked you to move france to Group A, and you promised me to do that .. but nothing is done yet .. !!?? Also, please man, handle the 0.000s issue, it's not helpful to see, almost all our downloads not counted.
  12. C

    FileStorm Discussion thread

    I can tell you that they count more then 2 in 24h. __________________ Added after 13 minutes: I'm sorry mate, i'm just a supporter of filestorm, i worked before with hulkfile for a year and half, i loved the way of managing their business, and when they started this new host, i just created...
  13. C

    FileStorm Discussion thread

    FileStorm still in BETA and they still develop the system, Errors like ip banning may occur. Please open a Ticket and provide your username and IP. Report a problem / Access Issue
  14. C - 25 EUR/1000 PPD/PPV - 70% PPS - 55% Rebill | Webmaster Plans Available

    If he just respond to some of us here, that will gives us a little hope.
  15. C - 25 EUR/1000 PPD/PPV - 70% PPS - 55% Rebill | Webmaster Plans Available

    @qa71520 I think that your file is Premium Only
  16. C

    FileStorm Discussion thread

    @Ggeorgee Open a Ticket and provide your username & ip. Report a problem / Access Issue BTW, are you using your account in debrid ?? because they only ban debrid and rapidleech IPs .