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  1. A

    UPLIMG upto 9$/1000 views PP, WM, Skrill - payout only 1$

    earnings are decreasing a lot with same views !!! :facepalm:
  2. A and our other services - Earn up to $8/1000

    hi admin days ago i changed my payment processor from PP to skrill i realised today that i received a payment from damimage at PP the issue is , i dont have PP in that mail LOOK payment processor i chose was skrill :S
  3. A

    UPLIMG upto 9$/1000 views PP, WM, Skrill - payout only 1$

    my payment was rejected coz i have images in my blog (blogspot) i dindnt read your rules that means i have to create another account to earn money with you? i worked with more than 20 images sites and they have not that weird rule. my traffic is 100% real !
  4. A

    UPLIMG upto 9$/1000 views PP, WM, Skrill - payout only 1$

    my payment was rejected coz i have images in my blog (blogspot) i dindnt read your rules that means i have to create another account to earn money with you? i worked with more than 20 images sites and they have not that weird rule. my traffic is 100% real !
  5. A

    UPLIMG upto 9$/1000 views PP, WM, Skrill - payout only 1$

    plz activate my account User ID: bento Email: rdg2011 (@)hotmail DOTcom
  6. A

    Close Beta - New Era image host, Tier One 12$/1000IP, 100% No-Shave, No Tricky rates

    web is sooooo slow !!! and earnings are low if i compare to damimage !!!
  7. A - 6$ / 1000 Image Views. Earn Money when you share images.

    i did not receive payment user : rodbux My Purse is Z674382717381 2014-08-17 23:02:53 0000-00-00 00:00:00 10.2177 $ webmoney WMZ ID please appproved
  8. A - 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

    yes, that true , we all earned a lot using imgserve...But now stats are bad i earn 30% of what i was doing 2 or 3 months ago !