Yes if active :)
We have Replied your PM and Paid ;)
Sure ?
We are going to increase it much more ;)
New Updates :
1 - We have Fixed increased Rates for this countries by +20% $$$
( United Kingdom, United States, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden ) ;)
New Updates :
1 - We Process All Payout Payments Daily and Earnings can be withdrawn when balance is over $100.00 !
2 - You will get 100% Of your Profit with us ( No deduction + No any withdrawal Fees ) .
3 - You can withdrawal with any Payment method you need .
* Our active old users can...
Because We share everything with our users So when we got more they got more + Extra Profit already added so Rates back to normal didn't affect what already Paid .
What's your question !
Sure ;)
Thank you so much <3
Always So Welcome <3
We Don't accept any kind of Videos Except the following and you Must own it's copyright to Upload or share it:
- Cartoon .
- 3D .
- Anime .
- Documentary .
- Educational, teaching, learing .
- Tutorial .
NVM its OK and welcome back ;)...
If $100 you need 10K downloads ;)
But anyway now is $50 ,
It's not our Choice we did it when we have to due to lock down ;)
BTW 10K not need your lifetime xD
Always welcome BRO <3
Thank you for the update ;)
Sorry for the late reply and yeah already done once saw it ;)
We have a good news...
It's OK we have reactivated your Account !
Please let us know if you have received your Payment .
Welcome Back Kepler ;)
We Love to work with you much more Dear and you are so so Welcome <3
Always Welcome <3
You are one of our Top Great Users Always Welcome with us <3
Thank you so much mate <3
@shb18 Replied ;)
Thank you so much for your comment and your kind <3
We already Paid it !
You have asked for Bank Transfer So Please check it with your Bank !
Also Did you...
Good Luck for you too :)
Hey Guys ,
We have Paid today Most of Pending PayPal Payments and other few methods We are trying our best on this since all world now suffering from the same issue ( COVID 19 ) Lockdown and Very Limited business Working time on Banks Also Crowding !
Please tell our friends about it because i think they are worry even after all this co-operation months xD
Hey Guys !
We are here and our sale department still trying to reach the Bank with the daily limited work business time .
We are so sorry once again for the late .
Best Regards .
We are so sorry for the late reply, response and the late of everything ,
@citizen4 We are here always will be and we are working on a new Upgrades too !
Few days or weeks of late payments not mean we are don't care but you must know that it's not from our side !
We have some problems here...
Hi, the payment is processing, there has been a delays duo to Corona-virus, we apologize you should receive it within 2-3 days.
I will talk to you on Facebook.
Check PM.
Your account has been upgraded successfully.
Yes we are videohost, but you should follow the terms...
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