mcmoore: 3 days granted . And also we don't wipe files the next day. We aren't called Rap...
brekk: If they're older than 90 days and inactive they will be removed.
mcmoore: Which method did you pay? Also they should provide you with a voucher within 48 hours. Kindly keep me in the loop as I'll get someone from the reseller dept to follow up.
caovantan1988: Have you copy and pasted the voucher code and pressed "Redeem"? This will activate it.
mcmoore: If you purchased from a reseller you should be receiving the voucher in your email. Check your junk folder.
Dormamu: Kindly do not copy and paste emails. Emails are for eyes only. Remove it, thanks or receive no further replies and face termination.
mcmoore: It is a requirement.
Your bank or the bank it communicated with could have declined it for many reasons. There are a ton of reasons why your bank and the acquiring bank for the processor did not work. You did get a voucher code in the end right?
mcmoore: Payment will work on a zip code of "0000". Anti fraud measures don't prioritize this value as high as other details.
lursonworld: PM'd you to address the issue.
Dormamu: You haven't proven anything to us, so can't help you out. You are fortunately of a small group of people who...
SBTeam: Nope, but if you don't deserve the $25, then you aren't entitled to it. You think it's a charity?
Dormamu: Proves nothing. We've seen previous cheaters upgrade their own accounts.
mcmoore: The numbers are definitely good, no doubt. For commission on resellers, we don't count as we...
mcmoore: You can either put in the area code, i.e. "0161" for Greater Manchester or put in 0000. That would work.
WJ555: Little bit more info would help.
vibinenter: After reviewing we found something quite odd. You know a "vibinenter" . You and "vibinenter" still have an outstanding debt to us.
mcmoore: When does a zipcode contain letters?
SBTeam: Upon your accusation...Well, you'll know what happened.
Dormamu: Prove to us that you are not...
Fergar: It depends what hours of the day. We run happy hours which should give a smooth loading whereas during peak hours this may slow down a little. Of course this is for anonymous users; free users will always enjoy a little bit more bandwidth, so if you can recommend them to sign up all...
coolro: We had an ad placement that malfunctioned the site for 4 days. This meant that no one could download except for those who did not have ad-blockers and those who were premium. It also meant 40% less for us :-) We have fixed this now and we can see that numbers are...
Chrono: You need to logout and login again (after clearing cache)
roseredbut: Yes I believe we have fixed it.
vedatyes: In BF you can you verify your email.
magictaxi: On the screenshot you're doing a total of 3 MB/s...Maybe it is limited on your end to your server/homespeed...
shiringan2014: Apologize for this, but we are a little bit busy trying to fix everything so the site becomes smooth again.
diogocanuto: We found out that some code from a third-party provider made the site malfunction for the whole weekend.
jose80: Not frozen, they were working, just no...
shiringan: PM me where you upload from normally.
vol7: Some mess-up with the counts for sure did happen. We are working hard to get back on track.
Superlsc: We will look into allowing for this.
Devilcourt: Let me clarify this once and for all:
1. We did not change your plan
2. We did not change EVERY ONE ELSE'S (like you like to say) plans.
3. Read 1 & 2 and read it two times, so you do understand what I'm saying, please.
Devilcourt: You're one funny guy :-) We did not change everyone to PPS. More people would be writing in here.
All: Everything has been corrected and we are not working on the improvement of the loading of the webpage of Z.
Devilcourt: Do you compensate us when you don't make any sales? :-)
superlsc: You mean remote upload a link from bigfile to your own account? Kindly point to us if NF, UL, RG allows for this and we will look into it.
We know that we have some technical problems. Getting it looked into.
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