Search results

  1. J

    KatFile.COM - 70% OF Sales/Rebills | PPD $40/1000 DLs

    @KatFile hi no reply to the pm yet
  2. J

    Buying FTP Dump 0Day Scene with German releases

    can you give me information
  3. J

    KatFile.COM - 70% OF Sales/Rebills | PPD $40/1000 DLs

    hi there is a vip ac for uploader. the memory capacity is small and it is full very quickly with large BD and UHD
  4. J

    Buying FTP Dump 0Day Scene with German releases

    hi I'm looking for ftp with archive and UHD BD series and movie Games xxx stuff. No limit
  5. J

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    Still not paid $ 1200 for 5 months he won't pay either see screenshot post above
  6. J

    Top 5 Filehosts in 2020

    Filefactory is scam the kidding the uploder doesn't pay off. Don't trust the shop hands off
  7. J

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    Still not paid $ 1200 for 4 months he won't pay either see screenshot post above
  8. J

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    What does this mean ? I have the feeling that you do not see the pictures where in black and white has there been no additional payment for 3 to 4 months? but if you mean to make the guy rich. it is something else.
  9. J

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    the store may be great for you. but for those who don't get their compensation the shop is the last hand away from the shop
  10. J

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    to date no answer if he answers them please ask him why e doesn't answer murat koc 17 мая, 13:36 Кому: Andy from FileFactory hi are you planning to send the payments? 28 Apr 2020$421.00 Pending* 30 Mar 2020$100.00 Pending* 21 Mar 2020$210.00 Pending* 05 Mar 2020$100.00 Pending*
  11. J

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    I can not cancel the request, which also responds to no mails the shop is not recommended
  12. J

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    it doesn't pay I am not being paid. ! what use is the statistics to me? :)
  13. J

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    hi I heard this host for 2 months. for me, of course, it's about compensation. I have heard that the host will also be treated well. I have a problem as an upoder 2. 1. The lock because too much according to their opinion on your ac 2 the numbers may not be enough that there are a few that...
  14. J

    German i am looking for a coder delphi

    The cloudflare.dll pulling is no longer possible on some sites where the cloudflare has shaken sharply I can send the one peschpil page per pm so you can see that you can not post because of the cloudflare,27453252/cloudflare.dll/
  15. J

    German i am looking for a coder delphi

    i am looking for a coder delphi programming language for a plugin for this program ###CORE The CORE uses the following open source components: Indy Project ( Delphi Spring Framework (
  16. J - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    hi I have a problem that I from a particular IP hi I have a problem that I from a particular IP can not upload since yesterday can someone help me?. german:die seite ist seit gestern von meinem server aus nicht mer ereischbar
  17. J

    Other - Admin Encoding RDP, Xeon i7 3520, 24GB RAM, 1Gbps from $22/Mo (FR)

    server server not available unavailable for some hours