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  1. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    shouldn't the 'request payout' button be blocked now :/
  2. K

    Alertpay Prepaid Card Default PIN after 'Reset PIN'?

    The card doesn't have any default pin, at least I didn't receive any pin. I had to set my first pin in order to activate the card when I got my card. @akibaba: probably the status of your cad is 'inactive' and you have set a new pin to use your card again. However, you should contact...
  3. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    That means that I can request my payout today with paypal? or should I select Alertpay (Payza)? Please confirm.
  4. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    I'm uploading with RU and FTP, the upload is complete but the file doesn't appear in the file manager (RU doesn't give me any link too)
  5. K - Get paid up to $2.60 per 1000 image views

    site is up, images are there but I can't see thumbnails, is someone else having this problem?
  6. K - Get paid up to $2.60 per 1000 image views

    when I open the site firefox doesn't want to do anything, it doesn't even try, internet explorer and chrome ask for user/pass :facepalm:
  7. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    is FTP upload available now just for premiums?
  8. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    Seby, thanks for the new answer, I know that I can only download 800mb per day, but this message is different: This means that a file cannot be downloaded more than N times, I don't know if this aply for simultaneous or completed downloads. Anyway, what's the value of N? Are you sure that N is...
  9. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    thanks for your answer SebyM, but please tell us what's the limit right now, of course if this is possible. Please check my questions in my previous post > here some of my files from weeks ago that I'm sure no one is downloading now show that message.
  10. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    I have a file with just 1 download and it's already blocked for free users :/ It seems there's something wrong with that feature, all my files show that message. Please let the users download files.
  11. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    what's the limit for free & registered users? the limit is for completed downloads or for the current downloads that a file has (number of times that the file is being downloaded right now)?
  12. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    has someone got a sale recently? just to know if the PPS is working fine
  13. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    it seems that's the reason, I put some files that I want to download in the same browser, however I guess it's a new feature since it didn't happen before. Thanks for your answer.
  14. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    @SebyM: I'm still getting this 'lost connection' page with some files when I want to download (using the Slow Download button), I have to hit F5 several times until I get the right page to enter the captcha. is someone else having this issue?
  15. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    site is not working properly, I get 'lost connection' pages when I try to download files
  16. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    I see this on the top of the site: Notifications (2), but when I click the link it goes to the main page :O
  17. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    is everyone having problems changing the plan to PPS? I could do it without problems but I had to disable the Security Lock first, could anyone change the plan to PPS without problems too?
  18. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    I could edit my plan to PPS but I had to disable the Security Lock, make the changes and then I enabled the Security Lock again. Btw, I changed my plan to PPS just a minutes ago, I'll get earnings if I get a sale right know or I'll have to wait for tomorrow's sales (server time)?
  19. K

    FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

    Hi fiberupload, good to hear news from you and thank you for being honest with us. @fiberupload or @SebyM: My plan was always PPD, so should I change my plan to PPS for now? is the PPS plan fully tested? if I get sales I'll get earnings?
  20. K

    Depositfiles Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Depositfiles here.

    files are not appearing in the file manager after I finish the upload, in the logs for RU and FTP I have the status "Complete" for my files but the file manager is empty is anyone having the same problem?