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  1. F - Discussion Thread.

    ok but you cant delete your files after 7 days kekw
  2. F - Discussion Thread.

    Are you sure linksnappy is blocked? kekw
  3. F

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    STOP bitching about low sales and shaving modes. Everyone with IQ higher than amoeba knows EVERY filehosting is cheating [shaving] so there is no reason to waste your silly life for sitting behind monitor and writing such bullsh*t here. Low sales? Main reason is the most popular forums are DEAD...
  4. F

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Im sick of reading these moaning shit posts. Everyone with IQ higher than 10 knows this host is manipulating with sales, every filehost do it. Just remove all files, and move to another filehost who is not cheating that much, thats all.
  5. F

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Yup thats the point :)
  6. F

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    can you speak english please?
  7. F

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    Shaving is common thing these days thats fact no.1. Fact no.2 is warez is dead. You can earn from sales ONLY if you have very very unique content on good forum. By good forum i mean one of those who are closed for random user. Most of those forums require invite. Thats all.
  8. F

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    are you still using this shitty host ? LOL
  9. F

    Other invitation

    Hello there, Does anyone have invitation code to this forum ? Thank you :beers:
  10. F - Discussion Thread.

    Yes mate not shaved bushes, this is very goods traffic for sales, happy now ?
  11. F - Discussion Thread.

    Ehm, there is something called notepad if your braincells are in bad condition
  12. F - Discussion Thread.

    not even a single sale ? :D
  13. F - Discussion Thread.

    ikr im just joking :)
  14. F - Discussion Thread.

    Oh yes indeed, upgrade and suddenly i got sale :) coincidence? WHO os involved im this? Aliens? Jews or maybe reptilians ?
  15. F - Discussion Thread.

    it's wrong question mate. Correct one is where he publish his posts/topics :nerd:
  16. F - Discussion Thread.

    Do you really need to be toxic? :D
  17. F - Discussion Thread.

    Heh drama incoming :D