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    Pirate Bay Documentary First Ever to Premiere Online and at a Major Festival

    Pirate Bay Documentary First Ever to Premiere Online and at a Major Festival TPB-AFK, the upcoming documentary about The Pirate Bay and its founders, has a release date. The film is premieringwith a prominent spot at the prestigious Berlin Film Festival on February 8. At the same time TPB-AFK...
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    Kim Dotcom Prepares Mega Cash Prize Encryption Challenge

    Kim Dotcom Prepares Mega Cash Prize Encryption Challenge When Mega launched this week as "The Privacy Company" their claims of super-security were bound to come under the highest levels of scrutiny. Predictably, security experts all over the world have been examining the site looking for...
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    Hadopi Plans Large File-Sharing Warning Increase For 2013

    Hadopi Plans Large File-Sharing Warning Increase For 2013 Despite having its funding cut by around 25%, budget predictions suggest that the French Hadopi anti-piracy agency will send out 1.1 million "strike" warnings in 2013 compared to 668,000 in 2012. At the same time, Hadopi have published...
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    Court Refuses To Try Self-Confessed Pirate Bay Uploader

    Court Refuses To Try Self-Confessed Pirate Bay Uploader A Dutch court has declared a criminal case against a Pirate Bay uploader inadmissible. The man admitted uploading more than 5,000 e-books to the popular BitTorrent site, but the court ruled that copyright infringement cases belong in a...
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    isoHunt Turns 10 Years Old, Keeps on Fighting Copyright Cartels

    isoHunt Turns 10 Years Old, Keeps on Fighting Copyright Cartels IsoHunt, one of the oldest BitTorrent sites on the Internet, turns 10 years old today. The site has been fighting Hollywood in court for more than seven years but has not backed down. IsoHunt founder Gary Fungis determined to...
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    Australian Pirate Party Gets Approved and Russians are Denied (Again)

    Australian Pirate Party Gets Approved and Russians are Denied (Again) It's been an up and down week for Pirates, as official party status has been decided in two countries. In Australia it's a big G'day to their Pirate Party, while the Russians yet again heard 'Nyet' from their Ministry of...
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    Dotcom's Mega Anti-Piracy Group Moves To Cut Off Site's Finances

    Dotcom's Mega: Anti-Piracy Group Moves To Cut Off Site's Finances An anti-piracy group with the stated aim of shutting down file-hosting services by strangling their finances has wasted no time in going after Kim Dotcom's new baby. Robert King of StopFileLockers says that his outfit has...
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    Canadian Court Refuses to Ship Megaupload Servers to the US

    Canadian Court Refuses to Ship Megaupload Servers to the US A Canadian court has rejected a request from the United States to hand over 32 servers hosted by a local provider.Instead of simply handing over all data, which may include personal files ofusers, the court decided to first determine...
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    Math Teacher Convicted for Linking to Pirated Answer Sheets

    Math Teacher Convicted for Linking to Pirated Answer Sheets A Dutch teacher has been convicted for linking to pirated copies ofmath answer sheets stored on file-storage sites. The Amsterdam court ordered the teacher to remove the hyperlinks from his personal website and pay the litigation...
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    Dotcom Record Label Pressure Forced Mega Radio Ads Off the Air

    Dotcom: Record Label Pressure Forced Mega Radio Ads Off the Air In yet another twist in the incredible life of Kim Dotcom, the Internet entrepreneur has revealed that a set of ads to promote the launch of the new Mega this week have been canceled at the eleventh hour. Broadcasting company...
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    Study Maps the Emerging Ethics of File Sharing and Copyright Enforcement

    Study Maps the Emerging Ethics of File Sharing and Copyright Enforcement One of the most comprehensive studies into media sharing and consumption habits in the United States and Germany reveals that more than nearly half of the populations have copied, shared or downloaded music, movies, and...
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    Copyright Strike Systems Are Modern Witch Trials

    Copyright "Strike" Systems Are Modern Witch Trials A takedown of a YouTube video that has been held as a model of fair use prompted widespread outrage last week. The video, Buffy vs Edward, was eventually reinstated and the claims dropped, but that's not the end of the discussion. The process...
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    Judge Delays Teksavvy Copyright Trolls For Public Interest Intervention

    Judge Delays Teksavvy Copyright Trolls For Public Interest Intervention As a US-based film studio continues with its plans to send cash settlement demands to alleged Canadian BitTorrent pirates, a judge has delayed the handing over of their personal details. Voltage PIctures recently targeted...
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    Music Sales Are Just 6% of Average Musician's Income

    Music Sales Are Just 6% of Average Musician's Income For the major music labels the sales of recorded music represent the majority of their revenue, but a different picture emerges when looking at the income of individual musicians. A new survey among 5,000 U.S. musicians of different genres...
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    Norway Faces Site Blocking Measures in Anti-Filesharing Bill

    Norway Faces Site Blocking Measures in Anti-Filesharing Bill In common with many others around the world, the government of Norway see sites like The Pirate Bay as particularly responsible for the growth of file-sharing online but have had little success in stopping their activities...
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    Megaupload's Planted Evidence Allegations are Baseless, U S Says

    Megaupload's Planted Evidence Allegations are Baseless, U.S. Says The Department of Justice has responded to Megaupload's claims that they planted evidence and tried to mislead the court. According to United States Attorney Neil MacBride these allegations are baseless and unfounded. In a new...
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    Remember Aaron Swartz (1986 - 2013)

    Remember Aaron Swartz (1986 - 2013) A brilliant mind has passed and it's heartbreaking. Every Sunday I wake up, grab a cup of coffee and think about what news to write for TorrentFreak. Today was different. All of a sudden, everything I came up with seemed so trivial. Two days ago Aaron...
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    BitTorrent Surf Turns a Chrome Browser Into a BitTorrent Client

    BitTorrent Surf Turns a Chrome Browser Into a BitTorrent Client A brand new Chrome extension from the makers of uTorrent turns the popular browser into an easy-to -use BitTorrent client with just a couple of clicks. BitTorrent Inc. say they have been working on the software for the last six...
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    Verizon's "Six Strikes" Anti-Piracy Measures Unveiled

    Verizon's "Six Strikes" Anti-Piracy Measures Unveiled During the coming weeks the controversial "six-strikes" anti-piracy system will kick off in the U.S.While none of the participating ISPs have officially announcedhow they will handle repeat infringers, TorrentFreak has obtained a copy of...
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    US Judge Dismisses Copyright Shakedown of Foreign Video Sites

    U.S. Judge Dismisses "Copyright Shakedown" of Foreign Video Sites Tube sites EmpFlix and TNAflix, which grew out of the famous BitTorrent trackers Empornium and PureTNA, were targeted in 2011 by an adult rightsholder company in a copyright case. If successful it could have seen the sites...